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16 I Iuser report_ Camlog implants1_2013 Andrew has gained knowledge in all aspects of restorative disciplines and continues to update his knowledge with international studies on a regular basis. His interests and skills have led to a focus on prosthodontic interfaces and com- posite bonding. He is Chair of communications on the Board of Directors for the British Acad- emy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a long- standing member of the AACD, the In- ternational Team for Implantology, the Association of Dental Implantology and the British Society of Occlusal Studies. He is also an educator to other dentists and key opinion leader to the industry within the disciplines of aesthetic den- tistry, treatment planning and compos- ite resin artistry. (Fig 11) All lab work for Andy Chandrapal is credited to Allport and Vincent Dental Laboratory. Monument Business Park, Warpsgrove Lane, Chalgrove, Oxford. OX44 7RW This lady was presented with ad- vanced periodontal disease affecting all her remaining teeth and was looking for a “fixed solution”. The first stage in the treatment process was to remove all the remaining teeth and provide convention- al upper and lower full dentures. (Fig 12) Following a healing period of approxi- mately three months the patient’s exist- ing dentures were relined and duplicat- ed to form radiographic stents. This was done using a mixture of 10-15 per cent Barium Sulphate in the base acrylic and radiopaque teeth (SR Vivo TAC and SR Ortho TAC by Ivoclar Vivadent). The pa- tient was then referred to have CT scans of both jaws. (Fig 13) The digital data obtained from the scans was then used to plan the posi- tions of the Camlog implants and sent to a specialist laboratory for surgical drilling guides (Camlog Guide) to be produced. There was sufficient bone for Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17