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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

36 I I meetings _ International Osteology Symposium _Immediate implantation in combination with biomaterials can effectively prevent bone resorp- tion after tooth extraction. This was one of the key findings presented at the tenth International OsteologySymposiumintheprincipalityofMonaco last month. Well-known periodontologist Prof. Jan Lindhe from Sweden told event participants in a keynote lecture that although bone re- sorption in the mesiodistal dimen- sioncanbepreventedthroughim- mediate implant placement pre- clinical studies have shown that ridge preservation procedures with biomaterials are usually required to preserve the bucco- palatal dimension too, a discov- ery also confirmed by fellow presenter Dr Dietmar Weng from Germany. Presentations on other impor- tant aspects of dental implant therapy included soft-tissue man- agement and peri-implantitis, the frequency of which, according to presenter Björn Klinge from the Department of Dental Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, remains difficult to assess owing to contradictory scientific data and differences regarding its definition. While the prevalence of the condition itself remains a mat- ter of debate, there was general agreement that primary contributing factors include inadequate bone volume, as well as the distance between and the position of the implants. In addition, new clinical evi- dence was presented that sup- ports the assumption that suffi- ciently keratinised mucosa around implants can prevent peri-im- plantitis. Biomaterials offer sig- nificant advantages over connec- tive tissue grafts or free gingival grafts in this regard because their use has demonstrated greater patient satisfaction owing to the reduction in operating time and post-operative pain, according to US periodontist Todd Scheyer. All photos courtesy of Osteology Foundation, Switzerland. cosmeticdentistry 2_2013 Concepts in implant therapy discussed Osteology Foundation celebrates anniversary meeting in Monaco