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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition

S everal factors must be taken into consideration when replacing missing teeth: cost of treatment, peri- odontal health, aesthetics, bi- omechanical properties of the prosthesis, as well as patient expectations. Dental implants are becoming the preferable option in many clinical situ- ations, however a number of patients reject this option due to high cost, length of time needed for healing after im- plant placement or apprehen- sion to surgical dental treat- ment. The minimally invasive bridge can become the treat- ment of choice when dealing with defect-free abutments. I would like to present a case when innovative com- bined porcelain and fibre- reinforced bridge was con- structed and fitted. This bridge was designed as an alternative to traditional por- celain fused to metal resin bonded bridge, which despite obvious advantages like hard tissue, preservation is becom- ing less desirable for aestheti- cally orientated dentists due to discolouring of abutment teeth caused by metal wings. Case presentation A 24 - year-old male patient presented to our surgery with missing upper front central Bridging the gap between porcelain and fibre-reinforced composite bridges Dariusz Sinkiewicz presents a case ‘This bridge was designed as an alternative to tra- ditional porcelain fused to metal resin bonded bridge’ March 11-17, 201316 United Kingdom EditionClinical