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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

Dentaurum Implants extends its CAD/CAM product portfolio with the tioLogic© scan abutments and titanium bases. Thescanabutmentswerespeciallydesignedtoallow precise digital recording of the geometries in the re- spective software. The titanium bases are used to fabricate customised hybrid abutments for adhesive retention of zirconia ceramic mesostructures fabri- cated using CAD/CAM.The geometry of the titanium baseswasspeciallydesignedtoensurereliable,aes- thetic bonding with the ceramic mesostructure. It is now possible to fabricate a highly precise, patient- specific prosthetic restoration using the scan abut- mentsandtitaniumbasesquickerandmorecost-ef- fectively. tioLogic© scan abutments and titanium bases are available in all three prosthetic series of abutments S,M and L for the tioLogic© implant sys- tem.DentaurumImplantsservice:Downloadthetio- Logic© CAD/CAM datasets for 3Shape,DentalWings and exocad from and integrate them into the respective software. Dentaurum Implants GmbH Turnstr. 31 75228 Ispringen, Germany IDS: Hall 10.1, booths E010, F011 I manufacturer news 42 I implants1_2013 Manufacturer News Since1985,theBiconDentalImplantSystemhasof- fered dentists a proven solution for missing denti- tion.The Bicon implant design comprises plateaus, sloping shoulders and a bacterially-sealed, 1.5° locking taper implant to abutment connection.With the plateau design, cortical like bone forms around and between each plateau.This Haversian bone al- lows for the routine use of 5.0 mm short implants. The sloping shoulder provides the necessary room forbonetosupportinterdentalpapillaethataregin- givally aesthetic. Bicon’s 360° of universal abut- ment positioning provides for the revolutionary ce- mentless and screwless Integrated Abutment Crown™, which consistently provides for a non- metallic aesthetic gingival margin. Bicon Dental Implants Arborway 501 Boston, MA 02130, USA IDS: Hall 4.2, booth G070 Bicon Dental Implants Simple. Predictable. Profitable. Dentaurum Implants tioLogic© scan abutment and titanium base AtthestartoftheNewYear,CAMLOGisproudtopres- ent its first app.Now it can offer CAMLOG customers accesstoallrelevantinformationaboutthecompany, its products and the numerous service and training servicesonamobileuserinterface.Developedonthe basis of iOS, the app is supported by iPad 2 and all subsequentmodels,includingiPadmini.Cleanlines, asleekdesignandauserinterfacewithintuitivefea- tures characterise this new communication tool by CAMLOG. Numerous applications can be controlled viatheApple-typicalhandlingandallowuserstonav- igate easily through the application.The focus of the appliesentirelyontheproductsaswellasonallnec- essaryinformationfortheiruse.Thetapontheprod- uct range provides a clear view on all important as- pectsoftheimplantlinesCAMLOGandCONELOGand gettotheheartofthematter:Twoimplantlines–one surgicalsolution!Anextensivelibrarywithnumerous documents covering the area of application of the CAMLOG/CONELOGimplantsandprostheticcompo- nentssumsuptheappcontentcomprehensively.Nu- merous features and direct access to other interest- ingsitesturntheappintoapracticalanddiversetool that can be used in either German or English. iPad users can download the app for free via their Apple account from the iTunes store. CAMLOG Biotechnologies AG Margarethenstr. 38 4053 Basel, Switzerland IDS: Hall 11.3, booths A10-B19 CAMLOG Tap-by-tap always well-informed