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today IDS Cologne 14 March

business70 IDS 2013 – 14. März 14 March Synergizing Practice Excellence with Modern Technological Advances Come join us for an unforgettable experience! Bringing together international dental experts and leaders at a world-class venue... Discover Malaysian hospitality, endless opportunities to enjoy nature-based adventures, enriching cultural experiences and fabulous shopping sprees... Date : 7-12 May 2013 Venue : Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Main / Platinum Sponsor: Supported by: LOG ON for updates Speaker sponsors: AD Since HurriCaine was introduced into the medical and dental markets over40yearsago,dentistsandmedical professionals around the world have built better practices by easing their patients’ pain, according to the manu- facturer Beutlich Pharmaceuticals. Thecompanyalsostatesthatitstopical anaesthetic containing 20 % Benzo- caine was the first of its kind, and re- mainsthehighestqualitychoiceinthe dental and medical marketplaces. Beutlich’s latest addition to its top product line is HurriCaine ONE, a non-aerosol unit dose topical anaes- thetic spray that is said to virtually eliminate adverse events resulting from preventable medication errors. The company now offers addi- tionalpremiumproductsthataresup- posed to address challenges in oral and medical health care, such as the HurriSeal dentin desensitizer, Hurri- View and HurriView II plaque dis- closing Snap-n-Go Swabs, Beutlich pH paper, HurriPAK periodontal anaes- thetic starter kit, as well as CEO-TWO laxative suppositories and Peridin-C vitamin supplements. Beutlich Pharmaceuticals has launched a high number of effective dental and medical products for pain management and preventative care since1954.Theproductsofthefamily- owned business are distributed in North American markets and around the globe. BEUTLICH, USA Hall 4.2 Booth L076 US COMPANY BEUTLICH PITCHES AT IDS DerAusgangszustanddesKiefers wiederherzustellen ist eine Grund- voraussetzungfürdasSetzenvonIm- plantaten.HeutekannmittelsGuided Bone Regeneration verloren gegan- gener Knochen ersetzt werden. Für eine unkomplizierte Erhaltung von autogenen Knochen bietet OSSTEM den AutoBone Collector an. Das Instrument für das Sammeln von Knochenspänen verfügt mit seiner 2-Klingen-Konfiguration nach Angaben des Herstellers über ei- ne optimale Schneidleistung. Die Spitze verhindere zudem Vibratio- nen und ein Abrutschen beim An- bohren. Durch die dünne Schneide sei eine einfache Kühlung möglich. Damit der autogene Knochen auch in Form bleibt, bietet sich OSSTEM zufolge der SMARTbuilder als optimale Lösung an. Mithilfe des Instruments aus nicht resorbierba- rem, individualisiertem Titan kann derKnochenaufbauanderFlächedes autogenen Knochenmangels nach der Knochentransplantation unter- stützt werden. Die dreidimensionale vorgefertigte Form soll mögliche Ex- positionen in Weichteilen verhin- dern, da beim SMARTbuilder kein Anpassen durch Biegen oder Falten notwendig ist. Laut OSSTEM kann der SMART- builder sowohl für den vertikalen als auch für den horizontalen Knochen- aufbau eingesetzt werden. Für eine gleichmäßige Blutversorgung und ei- nen exzellenten Knochaufbau sorgen Poren in der Membran. Neben neuen Produkten zur Guided Bone Regeneration präsen- tiert OSSTEM auf der IDS außerdem Implantatsysteme sowie Möglich- keiten zur minimalinvasiven Sinus- bodenelevation mittels CAS- und LAS-KIT. Täglich finden zudem Pro- duktpräsentationen und Hands-on- Demonstrationen statt. Darüber hinaus erwarten den Besucher eine Lotterie sowie ein Gewinnspiel mit attraktiven Preisen. Creating bone is a basic require- ment for the placement of dental implants. Nowadays, Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) allows to re- place lost bone adequately. Accord- ing to implant specialist company OSSTEM, the original state of the jaw can now be restored with the help of its AutoBone Collector and the SMARTbuilder. Advertised as an easy-to-use in- strument, the AutoBone Collector col- lects autogenous bone by forming bonechipswithathicknessthatisad- equate for an easy GBR. Its two-blade configuration is supposed to allow ex- cellent cutting while the protruding tip prevents vibrations and sliding at the drilling site. The thin blade also makes irrigation for cooling simple, the company said. For keeping the bone material in place as well as in the right shape, the SMARTbuilder is the optimal so- lution. The instrument made of re- sorbable, individualized titanium supports bone augmentation after the bone transplantation at the place of the bone defect. In addition, it can help to prevent the material from col- lapsing. The three-dimensional, pre- configurated shape without sharp edges prevents exposition of soft tis- sue, according to OSSTEM, since no bending or folding is necessary with the SMARTbuilder. ItsaidthattheSMARTbuildercan be used for vertical as well as hori- zontal bone augmentation. Pores in the membrane are to ensure a regu- lar blood circulation around the aug- mentation area, which leads to excel- lent bone generation. In addition to new products for Guided Bone Regeneration, OSSTEM isalsoshowcasingimplantsystemsas well as its CAS-Kit and LAS-Kit for minimally invasive sinus elevation IDS.Therewillbealsoproductpresen- tationandhand-ondemonstrationson a daily basis. Visitors are also invited to take part in a lottery and a lucky draw with many attractive prizes at the company’s stand in hall 4.1. OSSTEM, GERMANY Hall 4.1 Booth A010 KNOCHEN WIEDERHERSTELLEN MIT OSSTEM PRODUKTEN RESTORING BONE WITH PRODUCTS FROM OSSTEM Whiteness is a complete line of productsfordentalbleachingathome or office by industry leader FGM. Ac- cordingtotheBrasiliancompany,who will participating at this year’s IDS, whitenessproductsaresafe,effective and offer fast results. Besides a high water content, they contain calcium, desensitizing agents, and other com- ponents. A dental bleaching leader in Brazil, FGM currently offers more than 160 products ranging from com- posites and dental adhesive to ce- ments, fiberglass posts, desensitiz- ing agents, finishing materials, as well as retraction cords. DENTSCARE (FGM), BRAZIL Hall 3.2 Booth C010 FGM PRESENTS BLEACHING LINE