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today IDS Cologne 14 March

business62 IDS 2013 – 14. März 14 March Das S5 Rotary System von Sendoline besteht aus drei Kompo- nenten, die kombiniert eine einfa- che, übersichtliche und kosteneffi- ziente Behandlung des Wurzelka- nals ermöglichen sollen. Die Feilen desSystemsverfügennachAngaben des Herstellers über ein einzigarti- ges Profil, das nicht nur den Wir- kungsgrad der Behandlung ver- stärkt, sondern auch die Wahr- scheinlichkeit eines Feilenbruchs wesentlichverringert.Somitwirdim jeweiligen Anwendungsfall eine ge- ringere Anzahl an Feilen benötigt. Dem Hersteller zufolge bedarf es in den meisten Fällen nur zwei bis drei FeilenfüreineperfekteBehandlung. Mit fünf vorprogramierten Dreh- momenteinstellungen und einer automatischen Drehrichtungsum- kehr erlaubt der S5 Endo Motor zu- dem eine effizientere und sichere Behandlung. Er ist kabellos und da- mit einfach und komfortabler zu handhaben,soderHersteller.Sendo- linesSortimentanpassendenPapier- spitzen und Guttapercha-Stiften, welche auf die zuletzt angewandte S5 Feile zielgenau abgestimmt sind, soll sicherstellen, dass die abschlie- ßende Obturation des Wurzelkanals einfach und übersichtlich ist. Sendoline’s S5 rotary system con- sists of three components, that, in combination, are supposed to provide asimple,predictableandcosteffective waytoshaperootcanals.Accordingto the Swedish company, the files of the system have a unique cross section that offer higher resistance to frac- tures and let them work with greater efficiency,allowingforfewerfilestobe used in each case. In most cases only two or three files are needed to pro- duce optimal shape for irrigation and obturation, the company said. With five torque settings and its auto-reverse feature, the S5 endo mo- tor allows the user to carry out all treatments efficiently with greater confidence.Asitiscordless,handling is easier and more comfortable. Sendoline’s range of matching paper pointsandguttaperchaconesistoen- sure that the final obturation of canalsissimpleandpredictable.With points to match the final S5 file used, accurate and straightforward obtura- tion could not be easier, according to Sendoline. SENDOLINE, SWEDEN Hall 10.1 Booth A04 AD A reliable partner for dental labo- ratories and users of products mak- ing use of the latest CAD/CAM sys- tems, the Italian company Lascod is going to bring a number of new prod- ucts and dental materials to this year’s International Dental Show. Among them will be Oklurest, a 90 Shore A-silicone for the purpose of orthodontic bite registration. Ac- cording to the company, the material has a tixotropic, imperceptible con- sistency for patients with regular oc- clusion and remains dimensionally stable even during disinfection. The 70 Shore laboratory A-sili- cone Xilgum can be used for a fast and detailed reproductions of gum morphology in order to survey cervi- cal limits in prosthesis manufactur- ing with details definition of 20 µ. Also available to IDS visitors will be the Ergamix A+B laboratory A-sili- cone with details definition of 40 µ, which comes in the colours brown (for 70 Shore hardness) and blue (for 90 Shore hardness). Specifically developed for master models, extractable strumps for per- manent or temporary prosthesis as well as implants, the type 4 extra- hard die stone Singletypo 4 Light Grey is said to improve chromatic contrast with materials used in the manufacturing of prosthesis like waxes, acrylics or aesthetic materi- als through its new colour soft grey. Originally a manufacturer of den- tal cements, Lascod manufactures and distributes a wide range of den- talmaterialsandinstrumentsforuse in different fields of dentistry. LASCOD, ITALY Hall 10.1 Booth D068 DENTAL MATERIALS LAUNCHED BY LASCOD S5 ROTARY SYSTEM S5 ROTARY SYSTEM