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today IDS Cologne 14 March

On Thursday from 12:00–12:30 in Hall3.1,boothNo.JO10/LO19,Dr.George Freedman will present “Cement-free Implants and Long-term Maintenance” aspartoftheDTSCSymposia.Freedman talked to today international why effec- tive implant maintenance is so easy it shouldnotevenbeconsideredanoption anymore. today international: Dr Freed- man, you are presenting a DTSC Sym- posia session called “Cement-free Im- plants and Long-term Maintenance” duringIDSinCologne.Wouldyougive us a brief overview of your session? Dr George Freedman: Implants have given patients a renewed opportu- nitytofunctionandtoappearastheydid before they lost their teeth. Many den- tists are actively involved in implant treatment. Two of the major concerns that have been identified post-implant treatment are crown recovery and im- plant periodontal maintenance. My ses- sion will demonstrate how to make im- plantstotallyrecoverablebytheelimina- tion of cement and how to use water flossing to maintain implant tissues at their optimal level. There is always a lot of talk around implant restoration, and with so much information, it is often easy togetconfused.Couldyougiveusyour intakeonwhatyouneedinanimplant restoration to make it as predictable and profitable as possible? Implant restorations need a simpli- fied system for delivering straightfor- ward and hassle-free implant restora- tive treatment. Stress-free implant restorations involve the general practi- tioner undertaking the initial implant diagnosis by making simple intraoral measurements. The dentist may then proceed to the surgical treatment or re- ferthistoaspecialist.Ineithercase,the dentist is in charge of the overall treat- ment process. Finally, the post-surgical restoration consists of two simplified steps: the impression (no more than 20 minutes) and the insertion (no more than 15 minutes). No anaesthetic is re- quired at the restorative phase, and no cement is ever used. Something we don’t always hear much of in regard to implant restora- tion is the long-term maintenance of the restorations. Do you think this is somethingthatneedstohavemoreat- tention focused on it? Why or why not? It is important to remember that the implant patient, in most cases, lost his or her teeth because of oral neglect. Simply having implants placed and re- stored does not always change long- standingoralcarehabits.Therefore,the dentist must provide a better and easier modalityforhomeoralcarethatwillmo- tivate the patient to maintain the im- plants. Practitioners expect implants to last for 20 years or more in the oral cav- ity; without effective maintenance, this will simply not happen. The water flosser seems like it wouldbeusefulinhelpingtomaintain implant restorations. Could you talk more about this product and some of the benefits of using it? Water-flossing technology has been available for many decades. It has been tweaked to improve its ease-of-use and performance. Most recently, direct com- parisonsofwaterflossingtostringfloss- ing have shown the former to be better. Water flossing is ideally suited to im- plant maintenance because it removes debris 360 degrees around the restora- tion(unlikestringfloss,whichisbenefi- cial only in the interproximal regions). Water flossing is gentle on the soft tis- sues while it totally eliminates debris from the hard tissues and restorations as well. After all, when dentists seek to removegeneralizeddebrisafteradental procedure, they always choose a pres- surizedairandwaterstreamasopposed to string floss. If an attendee is interested in go- ing to your session, is there anything he or she should be aware of ahead of time? Is your session aimed for spe- cialistsorisitmoreofageneraltopic? The session is aimed mostly at the general practitioner, but it is likely that specialists could benefit as well. The onlythingsattendeesshouldbringtothe session are an open mind and critical thinking. Your session is sponsored by Wa- terpik. How did you become aware of andthenbeginworkingwiththecom- pany? Is there anything in particular that you like about its products and services? I have been aware of the WaterPik companysinceIwasadentalstudent.At thelastIDS,Isawsomeveryexcitingre- search data at the WaterPik booth. This prompted me to follow up with the com- pany’s products; I was surprised to dis- cover the range of its products and the depth of the research. If there is one thing you hope at- tendees to your session come away with, what would it be? Effective implant maintenance is not an option; it is an absolute require- ment. But maintenance is often forgot- ten,resultingintreatmentfailure.When oneconsidershoweasyandpredictable implant maintenance can be with water flossing, there is simply no reason the practitioner should allow tissue compli- cations to occur. Ifsomeoneisunabletoattendthe session, do you have any advice for himorheronhowtolearnmoreabout achievingstress-free,cement-freeim- plant restorations on his or her own? As of now, there are just a few pub- lished articles that address this topic. On the other hand, the procedural changes can easily be learned. I am cer- tain there will be sufficient live and on- line programming, and further articles to support the concept of stress-free, ce- ment free implant restoration. Thank you very much for this in- terview. Sicher. Sauber. ALPRO. ALPRO MEDICAL GMBH Mooswiesenstraße 9 78112 St. Georgen Deutschland Tel. +49 7725 9392-0 Fax +49 7725 9392-91 Oberflächenreinigungund-desinfektion MaxiWipes / MaxiWipes-L Trockene Großtücher in der MaxiWipes-Box zum Selbertränken Medizinprodukten in Kombination mit MinutenSpray-classic oder PlastiSept. MaxiWipes und MaxiWipes-L überzeugen durch ihre optimale Flüssigkeitsabgabe, hohe Schmutzaufnahme und enorme Reißfestigkeit. Mit PlastiSept lungseinheiten und Schwebe- tische, im Röntgenbereich und Mit MinutenSpray-classic Abtrocknen und umfassende Desinfektion gewünscht ist AD ‘An absolute requirement’ An interview with Dr George Freedman,Speaker at today’s DTSC Symposia news18 IDS 2013 – 14. März 14 March When one considers how easy and predictable implant maintenance can be with water flossing,there is simply no reason the practitioner should allow tissue complications to occur. Dr George Freedman is a founder and past pres- ident of the American Academy of Cosmetic Den- tistry, a co-founder of the Canadian Academy for Aesthetic Dentistry and a diplomate of the Ameri- can Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is the author or co-author of 12 textbooks, including his most recent textbook, “Contemporary Aesthetic Den- tistry,” more than 700 dental articles and numer- ous webinars and CDs and is a Team Member of REALITY. He lectures internationally on dental aesthetics, adhesion, desensitization, composites, impression materials and porcelain veneers. Freedman maintains a private practice in Toronto limited to aesthetic dentistry. Eine ungewöhnliche Aktion veran- staltete Keramikspezialist VITA am gestrigen Mittwoch auf der Internatio- nalen Dental-Schau. Von Korsagen, Ketten bis hin zu einem exklusiven Couturekleid waren Schmuckstücke komplett aus VITA-Zähnen gefertigt und am Stand in Halle 10.1 zu bewun- dern. Die „VITA ToothFashion“ Kollek- tion soll demonstrieren, dass VITA- Zähne derzeit die Benchmark für Äs- thetikinderZahnmedizindarstellen,so das Unternehmen. Zahlreiche Kreatio- nen und Accessoires für Männer als auch Frauen wurden live vorgeführt. DarüberhinaushattejederMessebesu- cherdieGelegenheit,imRahmeneiner Verlosung eins von fünf Original- Schmuckstücken mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Wer seine Chance nicht verpassen möchte, sollte laut VITA einfach am Messestand nach den Verlosungspost- karten Ausschau halten, auf denen die dazu angefertigten Werbemotive abge- bildet sind. Fünf verschiedene Motive stehenhierzurAuswahl.DieGewinner werden direkt vor Ort gezogen und heute bekannt gegeben. VITA will sich auf der IDS be- sonders besucherorientiert präsentie- ren. Deshalb geben namhafte Referen- ten praxisnahe Informationen und zei- gen, wie sie die VITA Produkte im Ar- beitsalltag einsetzen. CeramicspecialistVITAwasplanning an unusual promotion yesterday at the InternationalDentalShow.Ondisplayin Hall 10.1 were corsages, necklaces and an exclusive couture dress, all made of exclusive gems by VITA Zähne. According to the manufacturer, the “VITA ToothFashion” collection demon- strates that VITA Zähne is the bench- markfordentalaesthetics.Alivedemon- stration showed numerous creations and accessories suitable for males and females.Allvisitorsalsohadthechance to participate in a raffle for five original gems. If you would like to have a chance to win the gems, just look for the raffle postcards with the special advertising designs.Youcanchoosefromfivediffer- ent looks. The winner will be drawn on site and announced today. At IDS, VITA wants to presents itself particularly consumer-oriented. Renowned experts will be onsite to give practical tips and show how VITA prod- ucts can be incorporated into daily den- tal practice. Get your Planmeca Showroom for iPad AD „ToothFashion“aufdem VITA-StandToothFashion’ attheVITAbooth Hersteller verlost Schmuckstücke ausVITA-Zähnen Manufacturer to raffle gems fromVITA Zähne