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today IDS Cologne 13.3.

business 79IDS 2013 – 13. März 13 March 4 1 S YS T E M 2,1mm 4,4mm MAXIMUM stability MINIMUM space! Via E. Zago, 10 - 40128 Bologna - Italy Tel. (+39) 051 244510 - (+39) 051 244396 Fax (+39) 051 245238 44 144 1 AD GC hat mit everX Posterior ein glasfaserverstärktes Kompositmate- rialentwickelt,dasvollkommenneue Möglichkeiten bei der Versorgung großer Kavitäten eröffnen und Mate- rialfrakturen, wie zum Beispiel Risse in der Füllung, vorbeugen soll. In Kombination mit einem konventio- nellen Komposit als Zahnschmelzer- satzwiebeispielsweiseG-ænialPoste- rior findet das Material zudem als Dentinersatz Verwendung und kommt der wachsenden Nachfrage nach einer ökonomischen Restaura- tionsalternative für große Defekte entgegen, so die Firma. Die spezielle Materialstruktur mit besonders kurzen Fasern sorgt dem Unternehmen zufolge nicht nur für einen minimalen horizontalen Schrumpf, sondern verhindert auch die Entstehung von Rissen und Frak- turen in der fertigen Füllung. Für die bislang unerreichte Haltbarkeit der Restaurationen mit everX Posterior seien vor allem die hohen Bruchfes- tigkeitswerte des Materials verant- wortlich.DieseseienimVergleichmit vielen anderen Kompositen fast dop- pelt so hoch. Zudem garantiere nicht zuletzt die hohe Haftfestigkeit an das überlagernde Komposit, wie auch an die darunter liegende Zahnsubstanz, verlässliche Restaurationen. Als Verstärkungsmaterial für di- rekte Komposit-Versorgungen eignet sich everX Posterior besonders bei großen Kavitäten im posterioren Be- reichundermöglichtalsDentinersatz eine sofortige Behandlung von gro- ßen Defektausdehnungen, so die Firma.HierzuzählenimEinzelnenKa- vitäten mit drei oder mehr zu restau- rierendenOberflächen,Kavitätenmit fehlenden Zahnhöckern, tiefe Kavitä- ten (einschließlich Kavitäten der KlasseIundIIsowieendodontischbe- handelte Zähne), Kavitäten nach Amalgamsanierungen sowie Kavitä- ten,beidenenOnlaysoderInlaysindi- ziert sind. Um eine optimale Ästhetik zu erreichen, sollte everX Posterior nach Angaben von GC immer mit ei- nem lichthärtenden Universal-Kom- posit, zum Beispiel aus der G-ænial- Produktfamilie, überzogen werden. WitheverXPosterior,GChasdevel- oped a glass-fiber reinforced compos- ite that is said to provide new options for restoring extensive cavities and preventing crack propagation into fill- ing materials and tooth structure. Ac- cording to the company, the material meets the growing demand for an eco- nomical alternative restorative for ex- tensive cavities and is used for restor- ingenamelanddentinwhencombined with a conventional composite like G-ænial Posterior. A special structure with particu- larly short fibers prevent cracks and fractures that can occur in the filling, one of the main reasons for failure of composite and amalgam restorations. The longevity of everX Posterior restorations is due its high fracture toughness values that are equal to dentinandalmost100percentashigh as those exhibited by other compos- ites.Inaddition,thehighbondstrength with both the overlaying composite and underlying tooth structure allows reliable restorations. everXPosteriorisparticularlyindi- catedforstrengtheningdirectcompos- ite restorations in extensive posterior cavities and as such, enables more ex- tensive defects to be treated immedi- ately and directly chair-side, the com- pany said. These include restorations ofcavitieswiththreeormoresurfaces, cavities with missing cusps, deep cav- ities(includingclassIandIIcavitiesas well as endodontically treated teeth) and cavities remaining after removing amalgam as well as cavities indicated for onlays/inlays. According to the company, in order to achieve optimum aesthetics and wear resistance, everX Posteriormustbeoverlaidwithalight- curing universal composite such as the own G-ænial product family. GC EUROPE, BELGIUM Hall 11.1 Booth N010 EVERX POSTERIOR EVERX POSTERIOR WiththeORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP300, the Finish company Instru- mentariumsaystoofferacomprehen- sive 3-in-1 platform for advanced panoramic imaging that also comes with cephalometric and cone beam 3-D options. According to the Finish manufacturer, the OP300 is adapt- able to different needs and can be upgraded almost immediately after the purchase. In addition, it boasts a number of technological innovations such as a multilayer panoramic op- tion which is based on the latest CMOS sensor technology and offers the possibility to produce five panoramic imaging layers with only one scan. While in this way images can be produced in the same scan- ning time and with the same level of radiation exposure as traditional panoramic scans, movement arte- facts and exposures through retakes can be prevented, the company said. Large touchscreens (10 inch) and an intuitive user interface are sup- posed to ensure a fast and effortless workflow for all imaging modalities. The OP300 cone beam 3-D option offers two field-of-views (FOV) sizes with selectable resolutions that have been optimised for local diagnostics and scanning the complete dental arch in case multiple implants have to be placed as well as for operations with surgical guides. Combined with anintegralmotorisedchinrest,italso allows free FOV positioning within the maxillofacial area. Patient posi- tioning is highly accurate due to the Smartview navigation system, that is supposed to improve positioning by adjusting the target position from the Graphic User Interface screen through a two dimensional scout image taken prior to the 3-D exami- nation. INSTRUMENTARIUM DENTAL, FINLAND Hall 11.2 Booth P050 A 3-IN-1 IMAGING PLATFORM