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today IDS Cologne 13.3.

business74 IDS 2013 – 13. März 13 March AD With the OT Equator 4in1 System, Rhein83hasitsnewestlineoflow-pro- file overdenture attachments on dis- play at IDS. Available with a vertical height of 2.1mm and diameter of 4.4mm, this system was designed to offer multiple solutions for overden- ture treatment planning when space limitations and divergence issues have to be considered. It is available with implant abutments as well as castable, prefabricated titanium threaded for CAD/CAM and cast bar withpassiveconnectionfortheSeeger system. Manufactured with a cuff height ranging from 0.5mm to 7mm and available for all implant brands, OT Equator implant abutments are cur- rently the smallest implant attach- ments on the market, the company said. The OT equator for bar connec- tionsfeaturesastandard2mmthread whichboastsa1.6mmtitaniumsleeve forbondingandthespacer.Dentallab- oratories will have two cost-effective options for placing the attachment on CAD/CAM milled or cast bar overden- ture connections to their disposal. Ac- cording to the company, technicians are able to choose between screwing the threaded Equator directly into a milled site, or make use of the base spacer and bonding sleeve with the help of traditional casting techniques. This is supposed to eliminate the need for drilling and tapping. Once the bar is cast, the Equator and sleeve are screwed together and bonded directly to the attachment location. For individual abutments, root re- tained solution or castable bars, the castable solution is very cost effective and easy to use especially for low pro- file solutions, the company said. The Seeger solution is supposed to offer dental technicians or dentists a solutionusinganimplantsbarwithup to 50–60 degree divergence between implants with a passive connection. Female retentive caps are retained by a stainless steel or titanium housing ranging in four levels of retention. RHEIN 83, ITALY Hall 11.3 Booth Q038 Sunstar’s neue GUM Access FlosswurdespeziellimHinblickauf die Defizite derzeit erhältlicher Ein- fädelungs-Zahnseidenprodukteent- wickelt. Bei Umfra- gen äußerten Hygieniker wie auch Pa- tienten dem Hersteller zu- folge durchweg Enttäuschung über die übliche Verpackung in einer Schachtel oder Tüte. Die einzelnen Stränge würden sich verwickeln und mit der Zeit Knoten bilden, wo- durch einige unnutzbar werden, so die Befragten. Oft werden bei dem Versuch, einen einzelnen Strang herauszuziehen, mehrere Stränge berührt. GUM Access Floss ist dagegen in einer herkömmlichen Zahnseidebox er- hältlich, in der die Stränge gesondert verpackt sind. So werdenVerwicklun- gen oder gar Verlust vermieden, so der Her- steller. Die Klappdeckel- dose aus Kunststoff soll hel- fen, die Zahnseide bis zur Anwen- dung sauber und hygienisch zu hal- ten. Um Verluste noch weiter zu reduzieren, ist eine Rückspulvor- richtungenthalten,diedafürsorgen soll, dass nur die benötigte Menge Zahnseide abgegeben wird. Ein weiterer Kritikpunkt seitens der Zahnhygieniker an herkömm- lichen Produkten war, dass zu harte Einfädelungsspitzen das Zahn- fleisch der Patienten verletzen kön- nen. Zu dünne Stränge nutzen sich wiederum meist ab, bevor die ge- samte Mundreinigung überhaupt abgeschlossen ist. Sunstar zufolge wurden die Einfädelungsspitzen der GUM Access Floss mit der idea- len Härte entwickelt. Dies soll ein einfaches und sicheres Einführen und Anwenden an Flächen und Zwischenräumen von Kronen, Brü- cken, Zahnspangen oder Implanta- ten ermöglichen, ohne unange- nehm hart zu sein. Jeder einzelne Strang verfügtzudemanbeidenEn- den über Einfädelungsspitzen, was die Lebensdauer des einzelnen Strangs verdoppeln kann, so der Hersteller. GUMAccessFlossistinabrollba- renBoxenfürjeweils50Anwendun- gen erhältlich. Es gibt sie auch als Musterpackung mit je fünf einzeln verpackten Strängen für Patienten zum Testen für zu Hause. Sunstar’s new GUM Access Floss was specifically designed for ad- dressing key frustrations with cur- rently available threader floss prod- ucts.Whenaskedaboutthethreader products they use, according to the company, hygienists and patients alike consistently communicated frustration with how these products are typically packaged, usually in a box or bag. According to them, indi- vidual strands tended to tangle and knot together, rendering some use- less. Multiple strands were repeat- edly touched when trying to retrieve a single one for use. GUM Access Floss comes with a traditional floss dispenser, effec- tively isolating each strand to elimi- nate tangles and waste, the company said. The lidded plastic case is sup- posed to keep the floss clean and hy- gienicuntilitisreadytouse. Inanef- forttoreducewaste,arewindfeature was added to ensure that only the needed amount of floss is dispensed. In the surveys, hygienists also stated that stiff threader sections can risk hurting patients’ gums. Moreover, the flimsy ones wore out beforetheentiremouthwascleaned. Therefore, the threader sections of GUM Access Floss were designed with the ideal stiffness to be easily and safely inserted under and around crowns, bridges, orthodon- tics and implants without being so stiff that they cause discomfort. In addition, each strand of floss fea- tures these durable threader sec- tions on both ends, potentially dou- bling its life span. GUM Access Floss is sold in con- venient,rewindabledispensersof50 uses. It is also available in sample packs for home use by patients, which feature a specially designed insert that isolates each strand. SUNSTAR DEUTSCHLAND, GERMANY Hall 11.3 Booth K030 GUM ACCESS FLOSS GUM ACCESS FLOSS OT EQUATOR 4IN1 SYSTEM