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today IDS Cologne 13.3.

AD In seiner ISO-zertifizierten Ferti- gungshalle im kalifornischen Jan Jose fertigt das amerikanische Unterneh- menSuniMedicalmehrereProduktrei- hen digitaler Röntgensensoren. Der mehrfachausgezeichneteSuniRaySen- sor hat der Firma in den letzten Jahren dabeigeholfen,zueinemführendenAn- bieterindiesemMarktsegmentzuwer- den. MithilfeeineseingebautenUSB-Mo- dulssowieeinemleistungsstarkenSoft- warepaket, das Benutzern von Win- dows-Betriebssystemen erlaubt, jede Praxismanagementsoftware zu benut- zen, ist der Sensor nach Angaben des Herstellers sehr flexibel einsetzbar. Durch zwei unterschiedliche Größen und abgerundeten Ecken bietet er ho- hen Patientenkomfort. Eine Reihe un- abhängiger Studien belegen zudem, dassderSuniRayfürdasErstellenhoch- qualitativer Diagnostikbilder im Ver- gleichmitKonkurrenzsystemendiege- ringsteStrahlungsdosisbenötigt. Kürzlich vorgenommene Verbesse- rungenamDr.SuniPlushabendafürge- sorgt, dass dieser Sensor zu einem der robustesten Vertreter in diesem Seg- mentgehört. Im Jahr 1995 gegründet, hat sich SuniMedicalinzwischeneineführende Position im digitalen Röntgenmarkt er- obert. Als Pionier in Sachen digitaler Sensortechnologie tat sich das Unter- nehmen zu Beginn vor allem als Zulie- ferer für frühere Marktführer hervor. Im Jahr 2002 vertrieb die Firma dann erstmals eigene Sensoren und Intra- oralkameras. Laut Suni basiert der Er- folgderFirmaauftechnologischerInno- vation, stetiger Verbesserung und her- ausragendenKundensupport. At its ISO-certified facility in San Jose,CA,intheUS,SuniMedicalimaging manufactures two lines of digital X-ray sensors, the flagship SuniRay sensor and the Dr Suni Plus sensor. This award-win- ning product line has pro- pelled the company to a leadership po- sitionwithinthe digital dental industry. According to Suni,theSuniRaydigitalX-raysensorof- fers high flexibility owing to an inte- grated USB module and a powerful soft- warepackagethatallowsWindow-based practitioners to use it with any practice managementsystem.Ithasroundedcor- ners for increased patient comfort and is available in two sizes for different anatomic requirements. Independent third-partystudieshavealsoshownthat SuniRayusesthelowestamountofradi- ation—as compared to competitive sys- tems—toproduceatrue,diagnosticqual- ityimage. RecentimprovementstotheDrSuni- Plushaveresultedinhighratingsinthe robustness category making the sensor one of the most durable products avail- ableonthemarkettoday. Sinceitscreationin1995,SuniMed- ical Imaging has gained a leading posi- tioninthedigitalradiographymarket,pi- oneeringthedevelopmentofdigitalsen- sor technology for dental clinical appli- cations,andisbestknownfordesigning and manufacturing sensors for many of the early leaders in this field. In 2002, however, the company added its own brand of high quality sensors and intra- oral cameras to its product portfolio. Suni says that its corporate culture is built on three basic principles—techno- logical innovation, continuous improve- mentanexceptionalcustomerservice. SUNI MEDICAL IMAGING, USA Hall 4.2 Booth K060 The US company Temrex an- nounced that it has plenty to show in the field of glasses and magnifiers, both standard and spring clip, at IDS. From magnifying lenses for hands- free, close up work and safety glasses foreyeprotectiontocolourful,durable, stylish eyewear for every occasion in theoperatoryorlab,thecompanysays to offers everything clinicians require in the way of eye protection. While some products are used explicitly for light curing or bonding, accordingtotheUSmanufacturer,oth- ersfeatureadjustableearpiecesanda choice of coloured frames. Some also boast well thought-out features as a rubberised nose piece to keep the eye- wear from slipping in the middle of a delicate procedure. In addition to its eyewear portfolio, the company has also a number of productsinthefieldofrestorativeand cosmetic dentistry on display. TEMREX CORPORATION, USA Hall 4.2 Booth K068 Das scanbare Präzisionsabform- material Aqium 3D mit sofort einset- zender Hydrophilie soll auf der IDS wieder neue Maßstäbe setzen. Nach Angaben des Herstellers Müller- Omicron beweist die neue Misch- technologie, dass verbesserte Qua- lität nicht gleich höhere Preise zur Folge haben muss. Der neue NT-Mixer mit kombiniertemMisch- verfahren (Sche- rung und Dehnung) mixt die verschiede- nen Viskositäten von Aqium 3D homogener und erhöht so deutlich die Abformqualität. Dabei spart der Anwender bei jeder An- wendung ganz automatisch 28 % Ma- terial,wasnichtnurdieUmwelt,son- dern auch den Geldbeutel schonen soll.GegenüberderVerwendungder bisherigen Mixing Tips wird dieser Einsparungseffekt durch das innere Design sowie die kompakte Bau- weise ermöglicht, so die Firma. Neben Aquim 3D erwarten IDS- Besucher weitere Neuheiten sowie ein kostenloser Hautcheck am Müller-Omicron Stand. The scannable, high precision im- pression material Aqium 3D with its immediately activated hydrophilicity is supposed to create new standards againatIDS.AccordingtotheGerman manufacturer Müller-Omicron, the new NT-Mixer provides better quality at no additional costs. The new mixing method (shear forces and extensional flow) and the ideal adjusted vis- cositiesofAqium3Dcreateasub- stantially better homogeneous mixing result that increases safety for the user as well as the quality of the impression. In comparison with the use of conven- tional mixing tips, the compact design of the new NT-mixing tips automati- callyallowmaterialsavingsofupto28 per cent per tip which proves good for the environment as well as the den- tist’s budget, the company said. Besides Aquim 3D, visitors to the Müller-Omicron booth will be also able to discover new products and have a professional skin check done. MÜLLER-OMICRON, GERMANY Hall 4.2 Booth J090 AQIUM 3D AQIUM 3D business50 DIGITALE RÖNTGENSENSOREN VON SUNI SUNI‘S DIGITAL X-RAY SENSORS EYEWEAR FOR EVERY CLINICAL OCCASION IDS 2013 – 13. März 13 March Whiteness is a complete line of products for dental bleaching at home or office by industry leader FGM. Ac- cordingtotheBrasiliancompany,who will participating at this year’s IDS, Whitenessproductsaresafe,effective and offer fast results. Besides a high water content, they contain calcium, desensitizing agents, and other com- ponents. AdentalbleachingleaderinBrazil, FGM currently offers more than 160 products ranging from composites and dental adhesive to cements, fiber- glass posts, desensitizing agents, fin- ishing materials, as well as retraction cords. DENTSCARE (FGM), BRAZIL Hall 3.2 Booth C010 FGM PRESENTS BLEACHING LINE