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today IDS Cologne 13.3.

news2 IDS 2013 – 13. März 13 March ©0113·411744V0 Dentale Stärke zeigen. Um in der Praxis täglich Spitzenleistungen bringen zu können, braucht man dentale Stärke. Und einen Partner, der Sie mit aller Kraft und allem Können unterstützt. Mit Instrumenten und Systemen, deren Qualität, Präzision und Innovationskraft ihresgleichen suchen. Und mit einem Service, der keine Frage unbeantwortet lässt. Komet freut sich auf Ihren Besuch auf der IDS 2013. Sie dürfen gespannt sein, denn es gibt viel Neues zu entdecken: Komet mit einem neuen Stand in einer neuen Halle. Entdecken Sie uns neu: jetzt Halle 4.1 Stand A080 12.-16. März 2013 AD n On Wednesday from 11:00–11:30a.m.inHall3.1, booth No. JO10/LO19, Dr Fay Goldstep will present “Predictable Proactive Peri- dontal Treatment!” as part oftheDTSCSymposia.Gold- step talked to today interna- tional about what to expect from her symposium. today international: Dr Goldstep, you are presenting a DTSC Symposia session called “Pre- dictable Proactive Periodontal Treat- ment” during IDS in Cologne. Would you give us a brief overview of your session? Dental treatment has turned to the new medical model of proactive inter- vention dentistry, with enhanced out- comes for the patient and easier pre- dictable procedures for the dental team. Periodontal treatment is less in- vasive and can be easily incorporated into the general dental practice. My session will show you how. There are a lot of new technolo- gies for treating periodontal disease. Couldyoutalkforabitaboutthemore standardwaysoftreatingthedisease and how these new technologies are changing that? What are some of the benefits of these new technologies? The traditional way of treating periodontal disease is with surgery. In advanced periodontal cases, it will probably always be neces- sary to use this approach. The new technologies for treating mild and moder- ate periodontal disease are very exciting. Soft-tissue lasers decrease patho- genicbacteriaandbiostim- ulate to promote perio- dontal tissue repair and healing.Photoactivateddis- infection using a non-ther- mal laser halts the progression of peri- odontal disease and restores gingival health. Both treatments reduce the need for antibiotics and more invasive surgical procedures. They can also be performed by the general dentist. Looking at these new technolo- gies, how would you describe their effect on patients and patient treat- ment? Do you think patients pre- fer these new models or is there more comfort in the more standard methods? Patients prefer to be treated in an officethatpracticesproactiveinterven- tiondentistryandincorporatesthenew healing paradigm. They want gentler, patient-friendly,minimallyinvasiveop- tions and will search for dentists who provide them. These new technologies make it easier and more predictable to practice the new “healing dentistry”. If an attendee is interested in go- ingtoyoursession,isthereanything he or she should be aware of ahead of time? Is your session aimed for specialists or is it more of a general topic? My session is geared to the gen- eral dentist and the hygienist. All these periodontal treatments can be easily performed by the general den- tistandsomebythehygienist.Thereis a decreased need to refer out treat- ment to a specialist. We prefer this, and so do our patients. If there is one thing you hope at- tendees to your session come away with, what would it be? Come with an open mind. The min- imallyinvasiveapproachishowourpa- tientsliketobetreatedandhowwelike tobetreatedwhenwearepatients.This is the future. 7 A less invasive periodontal treatment An interview with Dr Fay Goldstep,Speaker at today’s DTSC Symbosia Get your Planmeca Showroom for iPad AD 5 Dr Fay Goldstep. werbsvorteile verschaffen sollen. Von all diesen Neuheiten konnten sich Pressevertreter im Rahmen des SironaPresseclubsamDienstagüber- zeugen. Getreu dem Sirona-Motto „The Power of Innovation“ verdeutlichte Jeffrey T. Slovin, neuer Präsident und CEO, seine Leidenschaft für den Fortschritt in der Zahnmedizin durch mitreißende Worte. Nach einem kur- zen Abriss seines beruflichen Werde- ganges war es an Slovin, einige Kern- daten zur aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Situation des Unternehmens vorzu- stellen. So kann Sirona aktuell nicht nur auf 3.000 Mitarbeiter an weltweit 25 Standorten blicken, sondern auch auf beeindruckende Geschäftszahlen. Der Umsatz des Geschäftsjahres 2012lagbei979,4MillionenUS-Dollar. Für die letzten sieben Jahre verzeich- net Sirona mit Stand von heute ein Wachstum von insgesamt 11 Prozent. Auch die jährliche Wachstumsrate nach Produktsegmenten, unter ande- rem 11 Prozent im CAD/CAM-Bereich, zeige, dass sich Sirona als globaler Markt- und Technologieführer auf dem richtigen Weg befindet. Auch der Bereich Imaging Systems mit 17 Pro- zentsowieEinheitenundInstrumente mit 7 Prozent lassen in eine erfolgrei- che Zukunft blicken. Das weltweite Wachstum von Sirona wirke sich äußerst positiv auf die Leistung und Ambition des Unter- nehmens aus, wie Slovin erklärte: „Wir sind auf jedem Kontinent zu Hause und lernen von- und miteinan- der. Dies ist Teil unserer Philosophie und lässt mich stolz auf unser Unter- nehmen blicken.“ Ein Highlight im Bereich der Abformsysteme stellt die neue Ka- mera APOLLO DI dar. Diese kom- plettiert das Sirona-Angebot im Seg- ment der digitalen Abformung und bietet sich für Zahnärzte an, die ih- ren Patienten die digitale Abfor- mung anbieten wollen, dabei nach wie vor eng mit ihrem Labor zu- sammenarbeitenmöchtenundihren Fokus auf ein System mit niedrigen Preis legen. 7 7 Seite 1 „Sirona“ expanded range of services, as well as timesavingsandcostreductions.Press representatives heard about the im- pressive details of all these new devel- opments during Sirona’s press club on Tuesday. A welcome speech was given by Dr Jürgen Serafin (vice president of corporate marketing), who then intro- duced new Sirona CEO and President Jeffrey T. Slovin. In line with the Sirona slogan, “The Power of Innova- tion,” Slovin took the floor and treated the audience to a powerful speech in which he explained his passion for progress within dentistry with a com- bination of rousing words and inform- ative remarks. According to Slovin, 2013 is a spe- cial year, not just because it marks the startofhisnewpositionwithinthecom- pany but also because it has been al- most 10 years since he got the chance to meet the Sirona management team— somethingthathashadasignificantef- fect on his life ever since. In addition to having 3,000 em- ployees at 25 sites around the world, Sirona can now also boast impressive business figures too: The company achieved a turnover of USD 979.4 mil- lion for financial year 2012, with total outgoingsintheresearchanddevelop- ment sector amounting to USD 52.6 million. Sirona has grown by a total of 11 per cent during the last seven years, and the annual growth rate per product segment shows that Sirona is on the right track as a global leader in marketing and technology. The CAD/CAM sector is registering a growth rate of 11 per cent, the imaging systems sector has grown by 17 per cent and the devices and tools divi- sionscanalsolookforwardtosuccess- ful futures, with growth rates of 7 per cent and 6 per cent respectively. AccordingtoSlovin,Sirona’sglobal growth also has a positive effect on the company’s performance and ambition. “We have a presence in all continents, and we are both learning new things together and learning from each other. This is part of our philosophy and somethingthatmakesmereallyproud of our company.” A particular highlight in terms of themoldingsystemisthenewAPOLLO DI camera. The camera completes Sirona's product range in the field of digital molding and is aimed at dental practitionerswhowishtooffertheirpa- tients digital molding services while continuing to work closely with their laboratories and who favor the most economical system possible. This comprehensive presentation was followed by an invitation for ques- tions and then by enthusiastic ap- plause from the audience. 7 7 page 1 “Sirona”