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today IDS Cologne 12.3.

business 59IDS 2013 – 12. März 12 March AD Mit dem UNIC Treatment Center von Heka sollen Zahnärzte ihre krea- tive Seite entdecken. Der von dem international renommierten Designer David Lewis (Bang & Olufsen) entwor- feneBehandlungsstuhlbietetlautHer- steller nicht nur hohe Funktionalität, sondern auch ein schönes intuitives Design, um komplexe klinische Ver- fahren noch einfacher, effizienter und komfortabler für den Patienten sowie das Behandlungsteam zu machen. Instrumententisch, Tablett sowie Licht-undRöntgeneinheitsindfürden Behandler stets leicht zu erreichen, so die Firma. Darüber hinaus sollen fortgeschrittene Hygienefunktionen die Ansprüche an eine strenge Infek- tionskontrolle erfüllen. Für ein indivi- duelleres Erscheinungsbild kann der Benutzerinzwischenauseinergroßen Palette von Farbvarianten wählen. Heka stellt nach eigenen Angaben alle Teile der UNIC selbst herundliefertdieEin- heit mit einer dreijäh- rigen Garantie aus. Dentists are in- vited to discover their creative side with the UNIC treatment cen- trefromDanishdental manufacturer Heka. Created by interna- tionally renown de- signer David Lewis (Bang & Olufsen), the centredoesnotonlyof- ferfunctionalitybutalsoboastsanaes- thetic, intuitive design for the purpose of making complex clinical procedures easier, more efficient and conformable for the patient and the dental team. With the UNIC, instrument table, tray, as well as lightning and X-ray unit are always in reach of the clinician, ac- cording to the company. Advanced hy- gienefeaturesaresupposedtomeeteven themoststrictinfectioncontrolrequire- ments. Users are also able to choose be- tweenawiderangeofcoloursforamore individualisedlookandfeeloftheirunit. Heka says to make all parts of the UNIC in-house. The unit comes with a three year warranty. HEKA DENTAL, DENMARK Hall 10.2 Booth S029 UNIC BEHANDLUNGSEINHEIT UNIC TREATMENT CENTRE Inrecentyear,theSwissdentalman- ufacturer Vanetti has increasingly ex- pandeditsreachintointernationalden- tal markets. Originally sold primarily in Switzerland and Italy, its Dia Tessin branded surgical instruments are now available to dentists and dental sur- geons in almost 50 markets in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and Asia. Vanetti promotes its products ac- tively through its participation at inter- national trade fairs, such as the up- coming International Dental Show in Cologne, as well as through other mar- keting efforts. Based in Gordevio in the heartoftheMaggiaValley,thecompany hasbeenrunbymembersoftheVanetti family since the late 1960s. In the mid 1990s, the company was transformed into a limited company by the current CEO and son of the company founder Pablo Vanetti. According to the company, its suc- cessisbasednotonlyontheproduction and distribution of high–quality prod- ucts but also on short delivery times and excellent customer services. In order to achieve this, the com- pany said to have pushed automatisa- tion and rationalisation of its manufac- turingprocessestoamaximumdespite its small staff of eight in the company’s headquarter, who make sure that prod- ucts do not only have the quality that customers demand but also offer com- petitive prices. More information about the com- pany and its products are available on itswebsite aswellasitsboothinhall3.2 at IDS. VANETTI SA, SWITZERLAND Hall 3.2 Booth D081 SWISS DENTAL DIAMONDS BY VANETTI SA