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today IDS Cologne 12.3.

business46 IDS 2013 – 12. März 12 March ROTARY SYSTEM® Be a part of the success! S5 SENDOLINE AB, t: +46-8-445 88 30, e:, Sendoline is a leading producer and exporter of Endodontic files. Pioneering this field Sendoline has developed a number of key products shaping the Endodontic landscape to what it is today. The most well known instruments include the H-file & the S-file and the revolutionary S5 ROTARY SYSTEM®. Visit our stand at the IDS! Hall: 10.1 / Aisle: A / No: 043 AD A reliable part- nerfordentallabora- tories and users of productsmakinguse of the latest CAD/ CAM systems, the Italian company Las- cod is going to bring a number of new prod- ucts and dental materi- als to this year’s International Dental Show. Among them will be Oklurest, a 90 Shore A-silicone for the purpose of orthodontic bite registration. Accord- ing to the company, the material has a tixotropic, imperceptible consistency for patients with regular occlusion and remains dimensionally stable even during disinfection. The 70 Shore laboratory A-silicone Xilgum can be used for a fast and de- tailed reproductions of gum morphol- ogyinordertosurveycervicallimitsin prosthesis manufacturing with details definition of 20 µ. Also available to IDS visitors will be the Ergamix A+B labo- ratoryA-siliconewithdetailsdefinition of 40 µ, which comes in the colours brown (for 70 Shore hard- ness) and blue (for 90 Shore hardness). Specifically de- veloped for master models, extractable strumps for permanent or temporary prosthesis as well as im- plants, the type 4 extrahard die stone Singletypo 4 Light Grey is said to im- prove chromatic contrast with mate- rials used in the manufacturing of prosthesis like waxes, acrylics or aes- thetic materials through its new colour soft grey. Originally a manufacturer of den- tal cements, Lascod manufactures and distributes a wide range of dental ma- terials and instruments for use in dif- ferent fields of dentistry. LASCOD, ITALY Hall 10.1 Booth D068 DENTAL MATERIALS LAUNCHED BY LASCOD Mit zwischen- zeitlich mehr als 60.000 verkauften Gerä- tenhatKaVoseitderEinführung desKariesdiagnosegerätesDIAGNO- dent vor 15 Jahren einen neuen Standard in der Karieserkennung gesetzt. An diesen Erfolg will das deutsche Traditionsunternehmen nun mitderneuenDIAGNOcamanknüpfen. Vom Hersteller als nächste Genera- tion der Karieserkennung beworben, nutzt das neue Kamerasystem die Strukturen des Zahnes, um die Karies- diagnose abzusichern. Dazu wird der Zahn mit einem Licht durchschienen (transilluminiert) und wie ein Licht- leiter benutzt. Eine digitale Videoka- meraerfasstdasBildundmachteslive auf einem Computerbildschirm sicht- bar, wo kariöse Läsionen als dunkle Schattierungendargestelltwerden.Mit seinerDIFOTI-Technologie(DigitalIma- ging Fiberoptic Transillumination) bie- tet das Gerät laut Hersteller eine hohe diagnostische Sicherheit, die der Rönt- gendiagnose in vielen Fällen vergleich- barbzw.überlegenist,insbesonderebei Approximal- und Okklusalkaries. Dar- über hinaus können bestimmte Arten der Sekundärkaries und Cracks darge- stellt werden. Gegenüber anderen Ver- fahrenwirddieklinischeAussagekraft bei Plaqueablagerungen auch nicht verfälscht,soderHersteller. DiemitderKaVoDIAGNOcamerfass- ten Bilder können abgespeichert wer- den und vereinfachen das Monitoring bzw.diePatientenkommunikationdeut- lich. Laut Hersteller lässt sich das Ge- rät dank seiner unkomplizierten Bedie- nung einfach in den Praxisablauf integrierenunderzieltsomiteinen deutlichenMehrwertinderPatien- tenmotivationundAufklärung. With more than 60,000 sold devices since it was introduced to dental markets 15 years ago, DIAGNOdent from KaVo has set new standards in caries detection. The German company now wants tofollowuponthissuccesswiththenew DIAGNOcam, which will be on display atIDS. Adver- tised as the next gen- eration of caries detection, the new cam- era system uses the tooth’s structure to verify caries diagnosis for the first time. Therefore, the tooth is transilluminated with light of a specific wavelength and usedlikealightconductor.Adigitalvideo camera records the image and displays it live on a computer screen, where cari- ous lesions are displayed as dark shad- ows. With its DIFOTI technology (Digital Imaging Fiberoptic Transillumination), DIAGNOcamoffershighdiagnosticsafe- ty that is comparable or superior to X-raydiagnosis,particularlywithregard to approximal and occlusal caries, the companysaid.Furthermore,itispossible toshowcertainkindsofsecondarycaries andcrackswiththedevice.Comparedto other methods, the clinical significance isnotdistortedthroughplaquedeposits, accordingtothecompany. The images recorded by the KaVo DIAGNOcam can be stored for simpli- fied monitoring and patient communi- cation. Owing to its easy handling, the devicecanquicklybeintegratedinexist- ing routines, thereby resulting in a dis- tinct added value in terms of patient motivationandinformation. KAVO, GERMANY Hall 10.1 Booth H010 KAVO DIAGNOCAM KAVO DIAGNOCAM