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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

_Some of the most critical issues concerning oral regeneration are going to be discussed at the International Osteology Symposium from 2 to 4 May 2013 in Monaco. The major challenges are making regenerative therapies easier and less invasive, and combating the serious issue of peri- implantitis.BothcongresschairmenNiklausP.Lang, Switzerland, and Massimo Simion, Italy, provide a unique insight into the programme. _Verena Vermeulen: The theme of the congress is “Decision-making with oral tissue regeneration”. Whyisthefocusondecisions? Niklaus P. Lang: In dental practice, it is always a matter of having to make decisions. For instance, do you extract a tooth or do you retain it? By what criteria should you decide? Practitioners often choose a strategy for therapy intuitively, based on their familiarity with certain procedures, but the scientific evidence for one therapy option or an- other actually ought to take centre stage. That is what we want to communicate. Massimo Simion: At the same time, there is still a lack of high-quality data for specific clinical sit- uations. For this reason, meta-analyses frequently drawtheconclusionthatfurtherstudiesareneeded. Notwithstanding, we need to treat our patients and make decisions. In unclear situations, the views of experts are sought after—they are familiar with the literature on the one hand and possess a great dealofclinicalexperienceontheother.Thisbenefits congress attendees greatly because it provides them with a point of reference. _Mostindicationsfororalregenerationarecov- ered in the programme. Which ones are especially importanttoyou? Lang: The whole of Saturday is dedicated to the topic of peri-implantitis. Dentists often prefer to place an implant rather than to preserve a peri- 46 I I meetings _ Osteology Symposium cosmeticdentistry 1_2013 International Osteology Symposium in Monaco Possibly making regeneration easier? Author_Verena Vermeulen, Switzerland