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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition

DENTAL TRIBUNE Middle East & Africa Edition | Jan-Feb 2013 G C EUROPE, a leader in dental ma- terials technology has announced the launch of a unique composite material, G- nial Universal Flo. This material contributes to the ever-expand- ing range of materials by GC that are available to dentists who want to give their patients the best aesthetic, functional and durable restora- tions. G-aenial Universal Flo is a material that demonstrates the benefits of flowability and easy placement combined with the reliability of superior physical properties. Newconcept,newcomposition GC developed an entirely new concept in the form of G- nial Universal Flo. It ben- efits from a composition that features a unique filler technology. It has a higher filler load and a homogeneous dispersion of fillers. The resulting improved strength and wear resistance are two key features of this product, opening up the potential for a broader use than standard flowables. G-ænialUniversalFlo G- nial Universal Flo is radiopaque and features high viscosity, making it more suitable for class I to V restorations. Essen- tially, it looks like a flowable but behaves like a restorative. Its indications are for di- rect restorations, minimum intervention cavities and fissure sealing. G- nial Universal Flo features include: – physical performance of a regular com- posite – Flows smoothly for easy placement – Highly thixotropic behaviour, not runny and stays neatly in place and holds its shape – Unsurpassed speed and ease with which a gloss is obtained , virtually self polishing – superb invisible aesthetics without any compromises Shadeavailability G- nial Universal Flo is available in the following shades: Standard Shades: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, B3, C3, BW, CV Outside shades: AE, JE Inside shades: AO2, AO3 Uniquesyringedesign G- nial Universal Flo is dispensed through an ergonomically designed syringe that en- ables smooth delivery of the material, with a tapered tip that means no paste can stick to it. The syringe size provides a com- fortable hold and the arched shape of the flange fits the hand ergonomically. The de- sign also prevents material waste because minimal residual paste remains in the sy- ringe after use. G-aenial Universal Flo an innovative concept in composite restorative Communicating shade information clearly: Digital shade-taking devices substantially minimize risk O ne word, four pairs of ears, four pairs of lips – and "blue" be- comes "shoe" or "red" becomes "bread". Anyone who played "telephone game" in nursery school will know that communication has its pitfalls. Not least because not all information that is forwarded in good conscience is received intact at the destination. This is also true for shade communication in dentistry. And yet exact transfer of data or measurement results is of crucial importance, particular- ly in this case. It doesn't matter how much care dental surgeons take in determining the tooth shade – if their instructions to the laboratory are incomplete or unclear, er- rors can occur as early as at the beginning of the process chain. This results in unnec- essary expense, time wasted, apportioning of blame and aggravation with the patient. Shade communication plays a pivotal role as a link in the chain between shade deter- mination and reproduction, the end result of which should be a high-quality restora- tion. Clearexplanationsminimizerisk Despite every effort to achieve integrated shade communication there is still consid- erable room for error. Dental surgeons of- ten provide the laboratory with written in- structions that they themselves may con- sider to be clear, but which cannot be im- plemented without some element of doubt by dental technicians. Communicating shade information by telephone also still remains common practice. A standardized approach to communica- tion helps to ensure that all information is recorded wherever possible. The first stan- dardized form is already in use today with the color communication form. Here, the basic shade and other information is record- ed on paper, ideally together with a digital Fig. 4 Photographic findings – tooth shades can be shown in photographic form Fig. 5 Tooth contour findings – creative options for the dental surgeon Fig. 6 Patient reporting – all relevant information at a glance Fig. 2 Enhanced measurements – the dental sur- geon can use VITA ShadeAssist to document de- tailed shade values in accordance with lightness, chroma and hue. Fig. 3 VITA ShadeAssist has been available since July 2011. Fig. 1 Easyshade Advance – a useful tool for shade taking and shade communication ble. The findings level is the real heart of the software. Photographic findings where digital photographs can be added are dis- tinguished here from findings relating to tooth contours that use edits such as lines, points or other shading on the dental graphic of the current tooth to present de- tail analyses. Measurements can also be added using VITA Easyshade Compact or Advance or shades taken with shade guides can be in- serted. Further development of these pro- grams takes place on an ongoing basis with a view to ensuring improved shade com- munication. Using a special analysis func- tion, the dental surgeon can, for example, display translucent areas of dentition more clearly, all at the touch of a button – yet an- other improvement in communication be- tween those involved in shade taking and those who fabricate restorations. The de- velopers also paid close attention to mod- ernizing the management of patient data. This allows dental practices and laborato- ries to benefit from clear documentation and to work on the basis of careful commu- nication of patient data. This new standard is not just the corner- stone in successful shade reproduction, it also provides the prerequisite for effective quality management photo to support effect or detail analyses, and transferred in the conventional man- ner. In today's digital age, information can be forwarded more quickly, in greater de- tail and in a more targeted fashion. Accord- ingly, in addition to other advantages, the VITA Easyshade software also offers a tem- plate that allows all relevant data to be re- corded in a single sheet or document. Us- ing the information from these shade lay- er instructions, the dental technician can work confidently and quickly. Communication in bits and bytes One benefit of digital shade taking is that data collated in this way can also be edit- ed and communicated using modern tech- nology. VITA Easyshade can, for example, transfer a patient's measured tooth shade via USB to a PC or laptop. New possibilities are also demonstrated by computer applications such as VITA ShadeAssist, the latest prototype version of which was showcased at IDS 2011. Fea- tures include a photo editing and drawing module, a print and mail function, and an option for documenting the bleaching pro- cess. However, most importantly, this tool allows the dental surgeon to edit and save all the relevant information for the select- ed tooth shade. A further advantage for shade communication is that the program can document findings in a variety of ways: practitioners can combine any number of dental shade measurements taken using VITA Easyshade or shade guides, digi- tal photographs, text comments or special drawings created with the new software in separate patient files and print these out. They can also add comments (graph- ic-based and plain text) on the teeth or pho- tographic findings. Here, data management takes place on three hierarchical levels, with the patient level being the highest. All personal data relating to the patient that has been record- ed using the software is presented in the form of a patient file. The reporting lev- el provides a "collection folder" for select- ed patient findings. Here, findings regard- ing treatments that are completed over an extended period can, for example, be col- lected. Printouts for patients or electron- ic transfer to a laboratory are also possi- 11INDUSTRY
