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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

education I DrH.P.Weber, Boston,USA,addedtothespeechby DrMehlwithhistalkonthedigitalprocesschaininim- plantprosthetics.DrDrKai-OlafHenkel(“Complications and Failures in Implantology”) and Prof Dr Herbert Deppe dealt with the less pleasant aspects of implan- tology. Prof Dr Deppe, associate professor for dental implantology and oral surgery from Munich, questioned the plausibility of implants in organ trans- plant patients. Prof Dr Deppe was followed by Prof Dr Anton Sculean, Bern, Switzerland, who took his audi- encetotheworldofinnovativetechniquesandmateri- als used in covering multiple recessions. Prof Dr Peter Rammelsberg from Heidelberg, Germany, gave his speech on the “Effects of simultaneous augmentation procedures on the implant prognosis”, whereas PD Dr Torsten Mundt presented a multi-centre research on mini implants by 3M-Espe. Finally, Prof Dr Dr George Khoury, Hamburg, Germany, addressed the regenera- tiveeffectsofhyaluronicacid. _International Podium Likeinpreviousyears,well-knownspeakersoffellow dentalsocietiesfilledthelargeinternationalaudienceof the DGZI annual congress. The speakers came mainly from Arabic and Asian areas and discussed current but also highly charged problems in implantology. The in- ternational podium therefore assembled a cornucopia of valuable speech items and insights from laser appli- cations,over3-Ddiagnosisandplanningtoimmediate loading and risk patients. Mohamed Moataz Khamis, Egypt, reported on the advantages of uncovering the implant via Er;CR:YSGG laser by which the contouring of soft tissues can be achieved almost free of pain and withoutbleedingorscarformation. Prof Suheil Boutros, USA, gave an account on how thenewMTXtrabecularimplantbyZimmerdentalhelps toreducetreatmenttimes,whichisarealbenefitforthe patients.DrSamiSadefromLebanonspokeaboutlive- threateningbleedingafterimplantationinthesuppos- edly “safe” frontal areas of the mandible. His message: Neverimplantintheanteriormandiblewithoutlingual flap formation. Prof Shoji Jyaschi, Japan, proved that countersinksneednotbeusedinthemaxillaontheba- sis of more than 1,000 follow-ups of implant patients (Periotestvalueswereidenticalingroupswithandwith- outcountersink). Dr Osamu Yamashita, Japan, reported on a signifi- cantdeclineintheoralgerminationrateby40percent resulting from HOCl-solution. Finally, Dr Ramy Rezkallah, Egypt, stated that CBCT diagnosis had some advantagesoverconventionaltwo-dimensionalimag- ing techniques with regard to implantology, resulting from the higher dose of radiation. However, he also highlightedthatapatient-specificestimateofcostsand benefitsisalwaysnecessary. _Prosthetics Podium MasterdentaltechnicianChristianMülleristhefirst “non-dentist”tobeamemberoftheexecutiveboardof Europe’soldestdentalsociety,followingtheexplicitre- quest of both members of the executive board and last year’s DGZI general meeting, which assigned the high- est priority to the “intersection between dentistry and dentaltechnology”. Anothersuccessofthispleasantdevelopmentisthe curriculum implant prosthetics, which is offered by DGZI in collaboration with the company Fundamental fromEssen,Germany.Morethan250dentaltechnicians I 41implants4_2012 Prof Dr Hans-Peter WeberProf Dr Dr Jörg R. Strub Prof Dr Herbert Deppe Prof Dr Anton Sculean