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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I case report Fig. 16_Condition immediately after placement of the individualised crown restoration. Fig. 17_Despite difficult soft-tissue conditions, a good gingival stippling effect was achieved in the cervical area, which attests to sufficient os- seous support. oratory or after the model has been sent, should no scanner be available immediately (Figs. 8–10). After the specialist has confirmed the virtual abutment design, which is sent via e-mail, the AT- LANTIS abutment is manufactured, verified and sent to the attending dentist (Figs. 7 & 11). Indi- vidualised prostheses can be manufactured in the dental laboratory after the precision of fit and the position of the patient-specific abutment have been verified (Fig. 12). It must always be ensured that the abutment screw delivered with the abutment is used for the final insertion of the abutment in the mouth. The ATLANTIS abutments are designed to correspond totheformofthedentinecoreofnaturalteeth.Of course, the ATLANTIS VAD software allows for consideration of the specialist’s preferences, which should take the patient situation into ac- count, with regard to the production of the indi- vidualised abutment. The size of the abutment is determined by the average profile created by the form and size of the healing or temporary abut- ment. The mucosa may be temporarily anaemic when the abutment is inserted into the patient’s mouth (Figs. 13–15). ATLANTIS abutments are manufac- tured with standard gingival moulding if the spe- cialistdoesnotselectorprovideanyparticularop- tions when the order is placed. Considering the extremely unpromising initial situation (Figs. 1 & 2), a result that was satisfying in terms of functionality and aesthetics for both the patient and the dental/prosthetic specialist was achieved after the individualised crown restoration had been placed (Figs. 16 & 17). The patient’s wish for stable and natural-look- ing teeth was fully satisfied, which was ultimately the main criterion and motivation for our efforts as the treating team. Additional improvement of the soft-tissue situation is expected if the patient adheres to the appropriate cleaning technique. _Conclusion Implantology is a central component of mod- ern therapy procedures in dentistry. Continuous development of materials, implant design and the relevant technologies seeks to obtain high relia- bility with a good long-term prognosis for a wide range of indications. Careful diagnosis and de- tailed planning are indispensable if patients’ in- creasing demands are to be satisfied. In particular, careinaestheticallydemandingclinicalsituations requires interdisciplinary treatment in many cases. The possibilities presented by this case re- port for the production of patient-specific abut- ments on anatomically formed and bevelled Os- seoSpeedTXProfileimplantsconstituteagainand are the basis for long-term success, even in the event of reduced bone and difficult soft-tissue conditions. _Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Z.T.M. Blum from the Zahntechnik Zentrum Eisenach for his collaboration and laboratory work, as well as Franzisko Fischer from Astra Tech for his support during planning. Finally, we would like to offer specialthankstomyfather,ManfredLiebaug,who supported us throughout, from surgery to pros- thetic placement, as well as while exploring new methods._ 32 I implants4_2012 Prof Dr Frank Liebaug Praxis für Laserzahnheilkunde und Implantologie Arzbergstr.30 98587 Steinbach-Hallenberg Germany Tel.:+49 36847 31788 _contact implants Fig. 17Fig. 16