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38 I I meetings _ ESCD & SSER cosmeticdentistry 4_2012 Dr Philip Lewis has a private dental practice on the Isle ofWight,UK. He is the General Secretary of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry. He can be contacted at cosmeticdentistry _author ESCD & SSER joint meeting in Bucharest—Some say “the best!” Author_Dr Philip Lewis, UK _This year, the annual meeting of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD) was hosted by the Society of Esthetic Dentistry in Romania (SSER). TheeventwasheldalongwiththeninthInternational CongressofEstheticDentistryfrom17to19May2012. Hundreds of enthusiastic practitioners gathered to enjoy three days of some of the best educational ma- terial offered during 2012. Speakers from across the worldjoinedRomanianlecturerstopresentaseminar secondtonone. The event took place in Bucharest’s finest and architecturally impressive J.W. Marriott Grand Hotel. Bucharest is an excellent location. Easily accessed, the city boasts superb conference facilities, as well as world-classaccommodationanddining.Nightlifecan be as quiet or as exciting as you please, ranging from theatre and cultural events to lively nightspots and revues. Dentists and their families deserve a little relaxation after hard study and in Bucharest there is somethingforeverybody. Instrumental to the organisation of the meeting wasESCDmemberDrFlorinLăzărescu(Vice-President of ESCD since May 2012). As a leading member of the SSER too, he was able to provide us with an exclusive tour of headquarters and explain how dentistry in his country has developed to become among the best in the world. The social events at ESCD meetings are legendary, and this meeting was no exception. Night- clubs, restaurants and even a short tour of the city allowed people to interact. Old friends were greeted and many new friends were made. Enthusiasm for quality aesthetic dentistry knows no boundaries, and discussing the similarities and differences between communities brings people closer together and leads totheforgingofvaluablenewalliances. Lectures in two main halls were complemented by numerous tutorials and hands-on sessions. Topics coveredincludedjustabouteverythingofimportance tothemodernaestheticdentist.Toothwhitening,im- plants,facialaesthetics,composites;allthesepractical skillswereconsideredindepth.Furtherlecturesdwelt on pure science and explored future techniques and technologies.Thereweremanypresentations,bothby householdnamesindentistryandthelesswellknown, all united in providing information that would be of immediate benefit to every delegate. It is impossible for any course reviewer to attend every lecture and tutorial at a meeting like this so I apologise to those clinicianswhosepresentationsImissed.Thehighlights ofthemeetingformeincluded: _Dr Nadim Aboujaoude: Nadim is one of those un- usuallyskilfullecturerswhoisabletomakedelegates feeltheyarebeingentertainedratherthaneducated! His presentation on smile enhancement was both informative and useful, and left delegates thinking about how modern technologies can be of real ben- efittoboththeirpatientsandthemselves. _DrGeorgeFreedman: This world-respected clinician did not disappoint! George is a mine of practical information and as usual presented tips that could beintroducedintopracticetheverynextday. _Prof.MarcelWainwright:Facialaestheticsisbecom- ingincreasinglypopularasanenhancementtogen- eraldentistry.Thismasterdescribedtheuseofdermal fillers from the standpoint of a clinician with a thor- oughknowledgeofwhentheymightbeofbenefit. _RobertMopper: The famous Mopper family not only lectureonbutalsomanufacturehigh-classcompos- ites!Forthisreason,Robertwasabletodemonstrate reliabletechniquesinhishands-onworkshop. _Dr Marcus Tröltzsch: It is so easy to become obsessed byoursmallareaofinterestthatwesometimesforget thattheteethareactuallyjoinedtotherestofthebody! Marcus expanded on this, inviting clinicians to adopt aholisticapproachtothewell-beingoftheindividual. Dentalseminarsaregreatbutitisoftentheevents that take place outside the lecture halls that are the mostimportant.Delegatesfromallovertheworldare giventheopportunitytospeaktoeachotherandshare experiences. Visiting the trade exhibitions allows cli- nicians to source vital supplies and materials that will enhance their practices. Trade exhibitors are also an invaluable source of information about products and howbesttheycanbeused.Thiswastrulyameetingnot to be missed. Delegates who attended certainly have an advantage. Their practices are likely to grow both financially and in terms of respect from the informa- tiontheylearned.Ifyouwanttobeattheleadingedge ofpracticesin2013,Istronglyrecommendyouattend the next ESCD annual meeting. It will be held in the outstanding Italian city of Turin from 3 to 5 October 2013, so reserve the dates now! Full details can be