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today GNYDM 2

By Kristine Colker, Managing Editor n TODAY from 10 to 11 a.m. in aisle 5000, room 3, Dr. Fay Goldstep will present “Predictable, Proactive and Profitable Minimally Invasive Dentistry” as part of the DTSC Sym- posia. In her session, she will focus on “patient friendly” direct restoration repair instead of indirect replace- ment as a predictable, minimally invasive option. On the proactive front, easy and effective bioactive sealants can be placed without the need for etching. Bioactive restora- tive materials enhance the healing of teeth and reduce restorative failure. Goldstep talked to today about what to expect from the symposium. Dr. Goldstep, you are presenting a DTSC Symposia session called “Predictable Proactive and Profitable Minimally Invasive Dentistry.” Would you give us a brief overview of your session? We are working today in what I think is the “Golden Age of Dentistry.” We have the technology and techniques that finally enable us to treat our patients with a medical, not a surgi- cal, approach. This session will highlight the techniques that make this possible. Our patients are seeking minimally invasive options and searching out the dentists who provide them. This session will show the attendees how to take this gentler, patient-friendly dentistry to a level that makes it predictable, proactive and even prof- itable. When we talk about minimally invasive dentistry, what are some examples of this and how do you see those techniques benefitting patients? Minimally invasive techniques are conservative. The medical approach helps the patient preserve healthy oraltissuesandnewbioactivemateri- als can actually promote healing. For example, we are now able to map the early incidence of decay on the occlusal surface and evaluate the areas that need treatment. This real-timemapshowsboththelocation and severity of the decay. Then very conservative preparation techniques such as fissurotomy burs (S.S. White) or microabrasion selectively remove only the decayed areas. We restore with Beautifil Flow Plus (Shofu), a bioactive giomer flowable material thatadaptsintoallsurfacesofthetiny preparation. The bioactive giomer’s remineralizing properties promote healing. You talk in your session about how minimally invasive dentistry can also be more profitable. Can you explain how this is possible? Minimally invasive dentistry abso- lutely improves the practice’s profit- ability. In today’s economically chal- lenging times, we are competing more and more for patient dollars. Minimally invasive procedures are appealing to patients. They seek out the dentists and practices that pro- vide these treatments. Minimally invasive dentistry is easier and faster. Although it takes lesstimeandinvolveslessstressthan conventionaltreatment,itissimilarly billable. If attendees are interested in incorporating minimally invasive dentistry into their practice, are there any tips you would have to offer? Are there any specific techniques or materials that would be good to start with? First and foremost, have an open mind. Think along the medical model of practice. Dentistry has focused too long on surgery; we are paid by how much we remove. This thinking must change. Fortunately, there are dental man- ufactures that are helping us change by providing the tools and materials to heal and not just amputate oral tissues. Thissessionintroducesthe“Perim- eter Prep,” a predictable, highly con- servative, direct restoration repair. It is a great technique to get you started with minimally invasive dentistry. If attendees are interested in going to your session, is there anything they should be aware of ahead of time? Is your session aimed at specialists or is it more of a general topic? The session is geared to dentists and hygienists. Both will come away with techniques that will enhance their practices. For the dentists — they’ll get a step-by-step guide from preparation techniques to bioactive restoratives. For the hygienists — a new bioactive remineralizing sealant that can be placed without etch. Your session is sponsored by Shofu. How did you begin working with the company and what do you like about its products and services? I have worked with Shofu since the 1980s. I have always been impressed with the quality and innovation of their products. And, more impor- tantly, I have been impressed with the integrity and professionalism of the Shofu team. The company has revolutionized minimally invasive dentistry with the introduction of its unique giomer technology. It has also created products that simplify and take the stress out of practicing dentistry. If there is one thing you hope attendees to your session come away with, what would it be? Open your mind. Treat your patients the way you would like to be treated. You will be rewarded with a thriving, predictable, profitable practice with patients for life. speakers12 Greater New York Dental Meeting — Nov. 26, 2012 Predictable, proactive and profitable dentistry About the speaker Fay Goldstep, DMD, has been a fea- tured speaker in the ADA Seminar Series and has lectured at the ADA, Yankee, AACD, AGD and the Big Apple dental conferences. She has lectured nationallyandinternationallyonCON- SERVE-ative Dentistry, Innovations in hygiene, dentist health issues, mag- nification and office design. Goldstep has served on the teaching faculties of the post-graduate programs in esthetic dentistry at SUNY Buffalo, Universi- ties of Florida (Gainesville), Minne- sota (Minneapolis) and UMKC (Kansas City). Goldstep sits on the editorial board of Oral Health Magazine (heal- ing/preventive dentistry) and Dental Tribune, U.S. edition. She is a fellow of theAmericanCollegeofDentists,Inter- national Academy of Dental-Facial Es- thetics and the Academy of Dentistry International. Goldstep has been a contributing author to three textbooks and has published more than 20 arti- cles. She has been listed as one of the leaders in Continuing Education by Dentistry Today since 2002. Goldstep is a consultant to a number of dental companies and maintains a private practice in Toronto, Canada. ▲ ▲ Dr. Fay Goldstep offers tips and tricks of minimally invasive dentistry 5 Beautifil Flow Plus (Photo/Provided by Shofu Dental)