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today GNYDM 25 Nov

Ad n MIS Implants Technologies has recentlylaunchedthenewC1implant system. This new C1 system brings a combination of proven and inno- vative design features to market, including a conical connection and abutments that utilize a platform- switching concept. The 6-degree conical connection ensures a secure fit between the abutment and implant. By minimiz- ing micro-movement at that junc- tion, bone loss at the crestal level is reduced. There is a six-position cone index within the conical connection to help orient the implant during insertion and place the abutment into the proper position. Implants, abutments and tools are color-coded according to platform size for easy identification. The stand- ard platform refers to the 3.75 and 4.2 mm diameter implants, while the 5 mm diameter implant is the wide platform. Lengths for all of the diam- eterscomein8,10,11.5,13and16mm. The C1 implant (as all of the MIS implants) is made from a titanium alloy that contains titanium, alumi- num and vanadium known as Ti-6A1- 4V-ELI (Grade 23). This alloy has high fatiguestrengthandishighlybiocom- patible. Similar to commercially pure titanium implants (Grades 1-4), the outer surface of these implants con- sists of a thin layer of pure titanium oxide (TiO2). The unique geometry of the C1 implant encourages primary stabil- ity with mild bone compression at A new conical connection implant 5 C1 Implant System. (Photo/Provided by MIS) the upper 2/3 of the implant. The final drill, used during preparation of the osteotomy,isdesignedinsuchawayto allow less compression by the threads at the apical third of the implant, which will enable rapid bone growth in that area. These two characteristics have been put in place to minimize the periodoftimebetweeninitialmechan- ical stability and long-term biologic stability. Platform switching is a restorative concept that has been shown to mini- mize crestal bone loss. It has been the- orized that moving the junction of the implant/abutment connection away from the outer edge of the implant platform reduces the bacterial compo- nent that could lead to loss of vertical height.Forthoseclinicianswhoprefer to utilize platform switching in the restorative phase, the C1 abutments have been designed to allow this. As with other MIS products, the surface treatment consists of both large particle blasting and acid etch- ing. This not only creates micro- and nano-surface morphology but also ensures a high-quality, contaminant- free surface that has been shown to achieve superb osseointegration results, according to the company. The apex of the C1 implants is dome- shaped to help prevent damage to the mandibular nerve as well as to avoid perforation of the sinus membrane. Packaged with each C1 implant is a sterile, single-use final drill, a cover screw and a temporary PEEK abutment. Each implant (including these additional components) is sold for $249. Here at the GNYDM To receive more information about the C1 or other MIS products, call (866) 733-1333, visit or stop by the booth, No. 1623. exhibitors34 Greater New York Dental Meeting — Nov. 25, 2012