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today GNYDM 25 Nov

DTSC Symposia kicks off today! Join Dr. Louis Malcmacher at 2 p.m. in aisle 5000, room 3 as he discusses ‘The Top 8 Game Changers in Dentistry’ as part of the DTSC Symposia. To see who else is speaking and what they are speaking about, turn to pages 8–18. Get outside and see New York City You’ll ‘Scream’ when you see this guide we’ve put together for you of the best things to do while you’re in town. »page 54 Greater New York Dental Meeting · November 25–28, 2012 Official Meeting News NOV. 252012 Vol.7 ,N o.1 ADS 5 A world of opportunity awaits visitors to New York City. (Photo/ Take it all in By Jayme S. McNiff, Program Manager, Greater New York Dental Meeting n The exhibit hall doors have been opened. Courses have begun. All around you are opportunities for workshops, hands-on courses, live dentistry and more. The 88th annual Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) is officially under way, and there is a lot to take in. 8 see take it all, page 6 Exhibit hall opens its doors for the 88th annual Greater New York Dental Meeting