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Implant Tribune Italian Edition

24 Implant Tribune Italian Edition - Novembre 2012 original article Letteratura internazionale Smart Lift Technique for Minimally Invasive Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation Giovanni pagina 25 Fig. 1.a - All manual and rotating instruments of the Smart Lift technique are used with adjustable stop devices (length ranging from 4 to 11 mm). Fig. 1.g - The trephine bur (Smart Lift Drill, Ø 3.2 mm or 4.0 mm), produces a bone core up to the sinus floor. Fig. 1.h - The bone core is condensed to fracture the sinus floor by means of a calibrated osteotome (Smart Lift Elevator, Ø 3.2 mm or Ø 4.0 mm) that corresponds to the diameter of the trephine preparation. Figg. 1.i, l - The Smart Lift Elevator is used under gently malleting forces to implode the trephined bone core over the sinus floor. Fig. 1.m - The implant is inserted. Fig. 1.b - The Locator Drill perforates the cortical bone to a depth of 3.5 mm at the site where the implant is to be placed. Fig. 1.c - The Probe Drill (Ø 1.2 mm) is used to define the position and orien- tation of the implant. This bur is used with an adjustable stop device which is set at least 1 mm shorter than the radiographic working length. Fig. 1.d - The “Probe Osteotome” (Ø 1.2 mm) is gently forced in an apical direction through the cancellous bone until the cortical bone resistance of the sinus floor is met. Therefore, the Probe Osteotome will provide the “surgical working length”. Fig. 1.e - A Radiographic Pin (Ø 1.2 mm) can be used to check radiographical- ly the orientation and depth of the prepared site. Fig. 1.f - A Guide Drill of either Ø 3.2mm or Ø 4.0mm according to implant diameter is used to create a crestal countersink, 2 mm deep, where the trephine bur will be inserted. Fig. 1.a-m - Surgical steps of the Smart Lift technique for transcrestal sinus floor elevation.