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cosmetic dentistry - beauty & science

36 I (Dexcowin) and the portable Claros PICO diode laser (elexxion). We took along a huge number of surgical instruments, periodontal instruments, many different types of disinfectants for differ- ent types of wounds, a range of filling materials and endodontic materials, and so on. Condor,theGermanaircraftcarrier,verykindly supported the special flight to Tanzania and back to Germany. After our arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport, we passed through customs and the load was lifted into a special Toyota Land Cruiser from Tawanda Munengiwa, the General Manager at Klein’s Camp, equipped with well-maintained safari equipment and a lot of extra space for our dental boxes. We then travelled to Arusha, where we ob- tained the medicines from Tanzania Pharmaceu- tical Industries and bought some more disin- fectantsintown.Afterthis,westartedthefirstleg to Lake Manyara Tree Lodge. Here, we were asked tochecksomestaffafterbreakfast.Fromjusttwo, nearly15peoplewithdentalproblemshadarrived within ten minutes. So we decided to stay for one more day to treat them all. The site for our first dental adventure was the old medical room close to the staff accommo- dation. We thought that one of the advantages of this location was that it was far from the guest areas. This was always an important aspect for us at all &Beyond locations: no disturbing of the guests. Being visible and explaining the med- ical/dental background of the project was neces- sary and important in terms of raising awareness, but the treatments were always performed in separate areas for the privacy of both the guests and the patients. At Lake Manyara Tree Lodge, we mainly per- formed extractions and minor oral surgery, and thereafter periodontal treatments and fillings were done. In this manner, we worked the whole day, operating and restoring teeth until the evening. In total, we treated more than 20 people in one day. The day after, we left Lake Manyara and did the long, hard drive through the Serengeti, arriving at Klein’s Camp after 7 p.m. The next day, we went to the Ololosokwan clinic for the first time. We met Obed and pre- sented the medicines and dental equipment to him for the clinic, and prepared one room for the dental work for the following days. We spent one more day at Klein’s because it wasimportantforustotreatallthelocalstafftoo. We were given use of the terrace of the second house for the day, where we would have enough cosmeticdentistry 3_2012 I special report _ aid project in Tanzania