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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

education I _In 1952, Per-Ingvar Brånemark discovered the principles of osseointegration in Sweden. Thirty yearslater,in1982,thediscoverywasacknowledged and his subsequent findings were confirmed at an epoch-making meeting of dental authorities organ- ized by George Zarb in Canada. Yetanotherthirtyyearshavenowpassed,andNo- bel Biocare is celebrating both these 30- and 60- years anniversaries in Sweden, Canada, and four other locations. Starting the year-long celebration in the home- town of osseointegration—Brånemark’s Gothen- burg—Nobel Biocare brought together some of the best- knownnamesinthefieldon March 21–23. The event be- gan with a surprise en- trance from Brånemark himself who delivered ad- vice and thoughts for the future. Ulf Lekholm then led ex- perts from Scandinavia and the far corners of the world as they exchanged ideas and discussed promising areas for further explo- ration at this meeting. Pioneers from the heady days of the Toronto Confer- enceof1982,suchasGeorge Zarb and Ragnar Adell, were honored and other speakers reminded participants of how far Per-Ing- var Brånemark, Nobel Biocare and their band of sup- porters have brought osseointegration since those days of breakthrough 30 and 60 years ago. The programs of all five of the remaining Nobel Biocare Symposia 2012 celebrate the origins and evolution of osseointegration asapracticalandtrustedtreat- ment modality over the last six decades. Each program will also include lectures on recent advances in treatment, pre- sented from surgical, pros- thetic and laboratory perspec- tives. Speakers will look towards the future as well, presenting current trends and possible fu- ture developments for bone- anchored restorative dentistry. Under the common theme “Celebrating 60 years of osseointegration and 30 years of international acknowledgement” meetings will be held in Rimini, Italy (October 19–20), with the final symposium planned for Toronto, Canada (October 19–20) where the international breakthrough for osseoin- tegration first took place._ 3rd Nobel Biocare Congress Hamburg, 15 June, 2012. Celebrating theTriumph of Osseointegration Author_Frederic Love, Nobel Biocare I 41implants3_2012