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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I industry report Fig. 6_Titanium bars in situ. Fig. 7_The metal base was cemented intraorally. Fig. 8_The finished tertiary structure with open slides. Fig. 9_Frontal view of the finished superstructure. Fig. 10_The incorporated restoration in the patient’s mouth; excellent translucence of the selected dentition (Genios, DENTSPLY DeTrey). Fig. 11_OPG for the follow-up; stable conditions almost two years after incorporation of the prosthetic restoration. latches in the patient’s mouth. The Genios dentition (DENTSPLY DeTrey) was transferred to the manufac- turedframework(Figs.5–8).Thefinalrestorationwas adjusted to the patient’s mouth and inserted (Figs. 9 & 10). The dentition showed excellent translucency. On follow-ups 27 months after the implant insertion and 21 months after the incorporation, the tissue conditions were stable (Fig. 11). The crestal bone level was still located on the implant shoulder. No resorp- tion was observed. _Conclusion Becauseofitsgoodprimarystability,eveninmar- ginalsituations,theXiVEimplantsystemisapplicable inanaugmentationofthemaxillarysinuswithsimul- taneous implant placement. Where there is little re- maining bone volume, the prerequisite for this is a classic, submerged healing phase without pressure. The option of relocating the connection level to an epigingival level following uncovering reduces the risk of a deterioration of the bone in the region of the implantshoulderduetomanipulation.CAD/CAMfab- rication of the bar constructions markedly improves the fit of these constructions, which a practitioner who has used this new technique will immediately recognize. Together with the use of titanium as the component material, the tension reduction repre- sents a further advance in the reproducible retention of marginal bone. Furthermore, the bar construction with latches restores the desired level of security and hence vitality to the patient. Editorialnote:Acompletelistofreferencesisavailablefrom theauthor. 34 I implants3_2012 Dr Arnd Lohmann,MSc Ostpreußische Str.9 28211 Bremen,Germany Tel.:+49 421 443868 _contact implantsFig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 7 Fig. 8Fig. 6 DrArndLohmanngothis LicensureinHamburg, Germany,in2002andworked asassistantdoctorinOraland MaxillofacialSurgeryfrom2002 to2003.In2003hecompleted hisdissertation.Hehasfocused onOralImplantologysince2003 andcompletedhisMasterofScienceinOralImplan- tologyin2007.HeisamemberoftheGermanSociety ofOralImplantology(DeutscheGesellschaftfuerOrale Implantologie,DGOI),theGermanAssociationof DentalImplantology(DeutscheGesellschaftfuer ZahnaertzlicheImplantologie,DGZI)andtheGerman AssociationofOralImplantology(Deutsche GesellschaftfuerImplantologie,DGI).Heworksin apartnershipandmedicalpracticewithDrRainer LohmanninBremen,Germany _about the author implants