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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I research Fig. 1a_Full denture in situ. Fig. 1b_Duplicate (DentDu) of the interim denture. Fig. 1c_Trial of the DentDu. Fig. 2a_Placement of the DentDu in the articulator. Fig. 2b_Pick-up impression system. On the left: titanium impression post (placed on the implant). On the right: plastic impression sleeve (will be left in the impression). _Introduction Usually,afulldentureisdeliveredfollowingtooth extraction or implant insertion of a fully edentulous arch.Adentureisusuallyuseduntilthefinalrestora- tion is performed. A well-designed full denture should fulfill the following criteria: 1) correct verti- cal height and maxilla-mandibular relationship; 2) accurate occlusion; 3) appropriate choice of teeth with regard to shape, length, width and position; 4) adequatelipsupportand5)properfunctionandaes- thetics to meet the patient’s expectations. The final restoration should fulfill or surpass these require- ments. Obtaining a correct impression and accu- rately evaluating the interocclusal relationship (e.g., interocclusaldistance,occlusalrecordinganddeter- mination of the exact position of the placed im- plants) are often challenging and time-consuming tasks.1 The aim of the current report is to present an im- pression and registration technique that allows the transfer of the interocclusal relationship, occlusal recording and esthetics that were initially applied to produce a full denture as a template for the recon- struction of the final full-arch implant. _Materials and Methods Following multiple extraction of a non-salvage- able rest dentition and the placement of six dental implantsinpositions#4,#5,#6,#11,#12,#13,afull denturewasfabricated.Aftertheextractionsiteshad healed and denture sores were eliminated, the func- tion and esthetics of the denture was optimized. If necessary, angulations, shape and color of the den- ture teeth and the shape of the denture base were corrected(Fig.1a).Theresultingdenturewasusedby the patient until the final restoration was delivered. For the final restoration of the maxilla, an implant- Impression and registration for full-arch implant dentures Author_Prof Dr Gregory-George Zafiropoulos, Germany 12 I implants3_2012 Fig. 2a Fig. 2b Fig. 1b Fig. 1c Fig. 1a