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Worldental Daily, Thursday, 30 August 2012

18 Business Thursday, 30 August 2012 I With Posicaine, the Canadian company, Novocol, presents a local dentalanaesthesiathatcanbeused in both routine (Posicaine 200, Arti- caine with Epinephrine 1:200,000) andcomplexprocedures(Posicaine 100, Articaine with Epinephrine 1:100,000) when improved visuali- zationofthesurgicalfieldisneeded. According to Novocol, its formula offers predictable anaesthesia of 60 minutes for infiltration injections and 120 minutes for nerve blocks. Posicainedoesnotcontainmethyl- parabenorlatexinordertoavoidaller- gic responses from patients that are sensitive to these compounds. Dental clinicians benefit from the neutral My- lar label color-coded glass cartridges by minimizing the risk of wounds in caseofcartridgebreakageduringuse. Additionally, the glass cartridges are siliconised to allow for smoother injections. Novocol manufactures its product in Canada according to the highest quality and safety stan- dards. Lot and Expiration dates are imprinted on the case label, as well astheboxandcartridgelabel. Both formulas are available in terminally sterilized boxes of 50 cartridges each. NOVOCOL, CANADA Booth E02/04 POSICAINE AD I At its ISO-certified facility in San Jose, CA, in the US, Suni Medical Imaging manufactures two lines of digital x-ray sensors, SuniRay and Dr. Suni Plus, as well as a broad line of OEM sensor prod- uctsandcomponents.Inaddition, thecompanydistributesSuniCam II, a lightweight, ergonomic intra- oral camera. AccordingtoSuni,theSuniRay digital x-ray sensor offers high flexibility owing to an integrated USB module and a powerful soft- ware package that allows practi- tionerstouseitwithanyWindows or Mac OS computer and all prac- tice management systems. It has roundedcornersforincreasedpa- tient comfort and is available in two sizes for different anatomic requirements. Since its creation in 1995, Suni Medical Imaging has gained a leading position in the digital ra- diographymarket,pioneeringthe development of digital sensor technology for dental clinical ap- plications, and is best known for designing and manufacturing sensorsformanyoftheearlylead- ers in this field. In 2002, however, thecompanyaddeditsownbrand of high-quality sensors and intra- oral cameras to its product port- folio. Suni says that its corporate culture is built on three basic principles–technological innova- tion,continuousimprovementand exceptional customer service. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, the company’s team of design en- gineers is credited with a number of firsts, including the world’s thinnest intraoral sensor and the “bestoverallvalueforprice”inthe sensor marketplace. Looking to the future, Suni announced that it will continue to focus relentlessly on developing products that simplify the lives of dental practitioners while provid- ing the ultimate in clinical care for their patients. SUNI MEDICALIMAGING, USA Booth F11 Suni’s digital radiography offering