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Worldental Daily, Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Wednesday, 29 August 2012 Business IWith AIR-N-GO, the French Acteon Group aims to increase the pos- sibilities of dental clinicians for care and treatment with one single handpiece. The dual purpose air polisher with direct connection to the chair was designed for ultra- active supra-gingival polishing as well as sub-gingival periodontal diseasesandperi-implantitistreat- ment According to the manufac- turer, it instantly converts into a perio system through an option- al AIR-N-GO PERIO Kit comprising an ultra-fine PERIO nozzle, green PERIOpowdertankandglycine-based PERIO powder. Available as seven different pow- ders, the AIR-N-GO powder product range is said to provide gentle care, effective prophylaxis and subgingi- val treatments. The unique grain structure of each powder allows for efficientaswellaspainlesspolishing and cleaning with no damage to teethorimplants,thecompanysaid. The AIR-N-GO ‘CLASSIC’, active andsodiumbicarbonatebasedpow- der, with less aggressive geometry, comes in five 100 per cent natural flavours. Based on natural calcium carbonate, the AIR-N-GO ‘PEARL’ ultra-active powder consists of mi- crospheres that are gentle to sen- sitive tissues. The two ranges are recommended for supra-gingival prophylaxis. ACTEON GROUP, FRANCE Booth L16/M17 AIR-N-GO Polishers and powders I W&H’s new Proface light probe is supposed to enable direct vi- sual detection of caries in opened cavities and minimise the risk of caries recurrence. AccordingtotheAustriancom- pany, it enables selective treat- ment during caries excavation based on Fluorescence Aided Caries Excavation (FACE). This method works in the way that violet light is applied to the opened cavity where porphyrins, metabolic by-products left by the bacteria in infected dentine and not visible to the human eye, fluoresce red while healthy tooth substance fluoresce green. Diagnostic goggles with spe- cial filters also enhance this ef- fect, the company said. WithProface,dentistswillalso have more information in regard to treatment decisions in Caries Profunda. Access to the treatment site is optimised by the probe’s new slender design which was devel- oped to guarantees flexible and painless application. W&H said that with ProFace success of caries excavation can be assessed at a glance and at any stage of the process. By assisting dentists with se- lective, minimally invasive ex- cavating, it substantially contrib- utes to maintaining the patient’s healthy tooth substance, they added. W&H, AUSTRIA Booth G22/26 Proface SIMPLY BETTER STRAUMANN® SLActive The next generation in surface technology designed to deliver: Higher security and faster osseointegration for every indication1,2 Reduced healing times from 6–8 weeks down to 3–4 weeks3 Increased treatment predictability in critical protocols1 More information on 1 Ganeles et al. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 2008;19:1119-1128 2 Bornstein et al. J Periodontol. 2010 Jun;81(6):809-819 3 Oates et al. The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2007;22(5):755-760 For more details see summary SLActive® Scientific Studies. FDI AWDC 2 0 1 2 VISIT US AT BOOTH # M02/N05 AD