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Worldental Daily, Wednesday, 29 August 2012

P rior to the FDI Annual World Dental Congress, the Section ofDefenceForcesDentalServ- ices (SDFDS) held its World Military Congress from 26 to 29 August at the Hong Kong Convention and Ex- hibition Centre. Under the theme “Military dentistry in 2012”, the meeting focused on the latest devel- opments in oral health care carried out by military establishments in land and maritime environments. OnTuesday,delegatesalsohadthe opportunity to attend a one-day visit to military facilities in Hong Kong. Around 100 delegates joined the two- day conference, during which speak- ersfromthePeople’sRepublicofChina andothercountriesdiscussedvarious topics related to oral health in the military context and the challenges that military dentistry faces. Among others, they reported on disaster re- lief and management, forensic den- tistry, oral pathology, endodontics, management of dental service deliv- ery, oral and maxillofacial treatment andcomputer-assisteddesign. “Military forces throughout the world are becoming more technolog- ically advanced and military dental services are now better placed to manage oral health in the military environment,” Col. Andrew Gray, New Zealand Director of Defence Dental Services, told Worldental Daily. Foundedin1904,theSDFDStoday consists of representatives from the USA, China, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Its task is to pro- vide a world forum for the exchange of ideas, innovations and concepts within the area of dental services in the defence forces. T he FDI Annual World Dental Congress will see visits by high-ranking health officials from the People’s Republic of China during the next two days. This after- noon, Minister of Health Zhu Chen will receive the FDI’s first Inaugu- ral World Oral Health Recognition Award during this year’s welcome ceremony. Fifty-nine-year-old Chen, who is also a professor at Jiao Tong University’s School of Medicine in Shanghai, among other things, was selected for his contributions to the development of dentistry in China. Worldental Daily has also learnt thattheDeputyDirector-Generalofthe ministry’s Center for Disease Control andPrevention,DrLingzhiKong,willbe givingapresentationontheoralhealth situation in China during a special session open to the public tomorrow from 11:30 in room S421. Simultane- ous interpreting into English will be provided. Read more about this in the 31AugusteditionofWorldentalDaily. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXX XXXXXX Stand Out from the Rest with High-Quality Care and Safety You are a professional who wants only the best for your patients and staff. That is why you insist on the NOMAD® Handheld X-ray system. No other X-ray system offers the quality, safety and value of NOMAD. More than 30 independent evaluations and third- party studies have concluded that NOMAD Handheld X-ray systems are both safe and effective. Why settle for less? by Handheld X-ray Systems ® ® AD Wednesday, 29 August 2012 News Challengesformilitarydentistrydiscussed DentalofficersgatheredinHongKong Healthministerto receiveawardtoday (DTI/PhotoWallaceChan,HongKong) IZhuChen (DTI/PhotocourtesyofMinistryofHealth,PRC) IDrLingzhiKong (DTI/PhotocourtesyofMinistryofHealth,PRC) PRC officials visit AWDC