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implants international magazine of oral implantology

case report I I 21implants2_2012 as a safe treatment option. Nonetheless, researchers make great efforts to reduce the remaining deficits gathered from the data of long-term clinical studies. _Tapered implants Aesthetic restorations in the anterior maxilla re- quire tapered implants with diameters designed as analogously to the teeth as possible, since the avail- able apical space is often reduced. A sufficient diam- eter in the crestal region will permit a tooth-analogi- cal profile. As a result, the existing bone material can be optimally exploited. However, dentists still come acrossthepictureofaProcessusalveolarischamfered vestibularly,particularlyincasesofpre-existingperi- odontal problems or tooth extractions performed a long time ago. The retention of the peri-implant bone level is ex- tremely important for an aesthetic, tooth-analogical reconstructionwithimplants.Thismeasureistheonly way for the peri-implant soft tissue to obtain suffi- cient osseous support and to avoid a collapse of the gingiva into the bone defect. The newly-developed OsseoSpeed™ TX Profile Im- plant was modeled from nature. The resulting anatomically shaped and patented implant is de- signed to maintain the marginal bone both vestibu- larly and orally, i.e. circularly around the implant, and especially in the case of a transversally atrophied alveolar ridge. In order to ensure optimum treatment outcomes in this context, special attention was paid to features suchastheMikroThread™andOsseoSpeed™surface, as well as the Conical Seal Design™ and the Connec- tiveContour™,whichhavealreadyprovedtheirliabil- ity within the so-called AstraTech BioManagement Complex. In order to achieve the best-possible treatment outcomessurgically,thesurgicalproceduremustfol- low the standard protocol for implant placement. Only during the fine adjustment of the implant posi- tion is it mandatory that the vestibular chamfered edgeoftheimplantendspreciselywiththevestibular bone lamella. This can be ensured with the help of a specially marked insertion device (Fig. 1). _Case report The following case report illustrates the most im- portant steps of the implant placement. The general medical and internal case histories of the 65-years- oldpatientwereunremarkable.Histendencytowards Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7