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cosmetic dentistry - beauty & science

cosmeticdentistry 2_201204 I I content _ cosmetic dentistry I editorial 03 Dear Reader | Dr So Ran Kwon, Co-Editor-in-Chief I special topic 06 The five-phase key to the Pros GPS: Clinician’s guide for porcelain laminate veneers | Dr Seok-Hwan Cho 14 On smile design: Conservatively placed IPS d.SIGN veneers to correct a diastema | Harald Heindl & Dr Stephen Phelan 18 Lithium disilicate—An effective solution for aesthetically demanding indications | Dr Igor Risti ´c I research 22 Dentine hypersensitivity: Simplified | Dr Fay Goldstep I case report 26 Aesthetics and function: Orthodontic–surgical collaboration as a key to success | Drs Martin Jaroch & Friedrich Bunz 32 Ethical smile design with the InmanAligner― Acase study | Dr Andrew Wallace I industry news 36 CLEARFILS3 BOND PLUS: High-tech and high speed for high performance | Kuraray I news 38 Mission: Passion, ethics and professionalism | Letter from Dr Luca L. Dalloca, new President of ESCD I meetings 40 International Events I about the publisher 41 | submission guidelines 42 | imprint Cover image courtesy of BestPhotoStudio. cosmeticdentistry_ beauty & science | special topic Clinician’s guide for porcelain laminate veneers | research Dentine hypersensitivity: Simplified | case report Aesthetics and function: Orthodontic–surgical collaboration as a key to success 22012 issn 2193-1429 Vol. 6 • Issue 2/2012