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cosmetic dentistry - beauty & science

18 I I special topic _ lithium disilicate veneers Fig. 1_Pre-op view of patient’s smile. Fig. 2_Stained teeth, old composite fillings and rotated teeth were the patient’s major complaints. Fig. 3_Prepared teeth for two crowns and two veneers. cosmeticdentistry 2_2012 _At a time when dentists and patients are both seeking more conservative restoration, as well as maximum transformation regarding individual teeth and whole-mouth restoration, lithium disili- cateceramicmaterialrepresentsatrulyuniquema- terial and is almost certainly the next big thing in aesthetic dentistry! Owingtoitshighresistancetofracture(400MPa), optical properties similar to natural tooth structure andtheabilitytobepressedverythinlyinparticular, such material has a unique potential for the manu- factureofminimallyinvasiverestorationslikeultra- thin crowns and veneers. Now,skilleddentaltechnicianscanpresslithium disilicate restorations as thin as 0.3 mm with excel- lent aesthetic results. If we add to that experience and knowledge of the material, such restorations couldbeconsideredperfectintermsofappearance, durability and ability to blend with the existing in- tact teeth. Unfortunately, when the press ceramic was launched it caused some scepticism and reluctance within the profession, primarily owing to the high biological cost of such restorations, since healthy tooth structure was reduced by up to 2 mm, which eventually led to overly aggressive preparation. Preparation of the lower incisors according to the manufacturer’s instructions was often on the verge of devitalising the tooth. Owingtoitsspecialproperties,LithiumDisilicate (IPS e.max Press, Ivoclar Vivadent) has completely changed the concept of use for pressed ceramics and allows for extremely conservative preparation. IPSe.maxPressisanaestheticceramicsystembased on lithium disilicate, with a high resistance to frac- ture,thatcanbecementedwithadhesivetechnique Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Lithium disilicate— An effective solution for aesthetically demanding indications Author_Dr Igor Ristiç, Serbia