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implants - the journal of oral implantology UK Edition

04 I I content _ implants I editorial 03 Dear Reader _Lisa Townshend I news 06 Driving patients to dentists 08 Study hints at why gums suffer with age I case report 09 TheuseofEr:YAGinlaser-assistedbroken abutmentscrewtreatment _Avi Reyhanian 16 44Roots-44Implants _Drs Topete I technique 22 Immediate implant placement and temporisation in the aesthetic zone _Dr Philip J Friel I clinical 26 CBCT assisted Implant Therapy _Nilesh R Parmar 32 Case Study: Implant retained crowns _Dr Shushil Dattini I business 38 My marketing plan _James Goolnik I equipment 42 The surgical Microscope of Implant Dentistry Improved Clarity, Improved Prescision _John Woods I manufacturer news 44 manufacturer news I diary dates 48 2012/Europe/UK I about the publisher 49 _Guidelinesforsubmission 50 _ Imprint Cover story: This month’s image can be found in the article 44 Roots - 44 Implants by Drs Topete implants1_2012 page 9 page 16 page 22 page 26 page 32 page 42