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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition

4Page 6 Media CME Utilizing the ERA over-den- ture implant to create soft- tissue symmetry 4Page 10 Meeting & More AEEDC 2012 4Page 4 International Twin brothers lose sight within months of each other 2 Hours DENTAL TRIBUNE The World’s Dental Newspaper · Middle East & Africa Edition PUBLISHED IN DUBAI February, 2012 NO. 2 VOL. 10 Vaccine and drug giant Glaxo- SmithKline (GSK) has been fined400,000pesos(aroundthe equivalent of $93,000) by an Ar- gentinian judge for killing 14 babies during illegal lab vac- cine trials that were conducted between2007and2008.Inaddi- tion to killing the children and experimenting with human beings, the judge asserted that the corporation actually falsi- fied parental authorizations so that babies could participate without legitimate parental permission. Judge Marcelo Aguinsky made the decision after a report was released on the subject by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish). Since 2007, 15,000 children below the age of one from Mendoza, San Juan, and Santiago del Estero have been participating in the illegal research. These babies were re- cruited by GSK from poor fami- lies that attended public hospi- tals. It was found that of the 14 baby deaths, 7 died in Santiago delEstero;5inMendoza;and2in San Juan. GSK Recruited Doctors, Pres- suredIlliterateParentsintoSign- ing Over Children Currently, it is unknown how many babies suffered serious sideeffects,adversereactions,or if this is truly the total death count. As with many other vacci- nationssuchasGardasil,theoffi- cial death count continues to rise as leaked reports from the FDA and elsewhere continue to sur- face. GSK has zero regard for hu- man health, morals, and will go toanylengthregardlessoftheca- sualties One pediatrician working at the public hospital when GSK be- gan recruiting babies for their il- legal human trials said that not only did GSK force illiterate par- ents into handing over their chil- dren, but they also ‘recruited’ several doctors working at the hospital into their cause. Ana Marchese, a pediatrician at the Eva Perón children’s pub- lic hospital in Santiago del Es- tero, stated: “GSK Argentina set an proto- col at the hospital, and recruited several doctors working there. These doctors took advantage of many illiterate parents whom take their children for treatment by pressuring and forcing them into signing these 28-page con- sent forms and getting them in- volved in the trials.” It is quite clear that GSK has zero regard for human health, morals, and will go to any length to experiment with their latest jab regardless of the casualties. Ofthe15,000babiesthatwerere- ported to be a part of the illegal trials, many may suffer from life- altering illness and serious side effects.Amazingly,manyparents had no idea they were signing over the lives of their children to GSK, as they were completely il- literate. Meanwhile, GSK sells their latest shots and pharma- ceutical drugs to United States consumers, raking in record profits each year as the second- largest drugmaker. DT GSK Fined for Killing 14 Babies in Vaccine Trial AD British scientists believe they mayhaveidentifiedhowhumans could potentially live forever - and it’s all about flatworms Experts at Nottingham Uni- versity have been examining howtwospeciesofflatwormsare able to regenerate themselves again and again – raising hopes that scientists could find ways of alleviatingtheeffectsofageingin human cells. Flatworms, known as pla- narian worms, have long fasci- nated scientists with their appar- ently limitless ability to regener- ate. During the study 20,000 new andfully-formedflatwormswere created from just one original worm by splitting it into tiny pieces. The research team studied how the flatworms manage to re- place aged or damaged tissues and cells in a bid to understand what drives their longevity. Dr Aziz Abubaker, who led the study, said: “We’ve been studying two types of planarian worms; those that reproduce sexually, like us, and those that reproduce asexually, simply di- viding in two. “Both appear to regenerate indefinitely by growing new muscles, skin, guts and even en- tire brains over and over again. Flatworms could reveal secret of immortality 1st Session (1st - 2nd June 2012) The First Step to MSc Implantology - 200 C.E. 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