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ortho - the international C.E. magazine of orthodontics

ortho1_201226 I I technique_ lingual ortho reducedbaseallowsthecliniciantoplacethebracket near the incisal/occlusal edges of teeth, thereby eliminating any gingival irritation problems. It al- lows clinicians to correct minor misalignments with minimal office and chair time, incorporating only a simple round-wire treatment. Almost every day, a patient’s parent expresses his orherdesiretohavestraightteeth,butexpressesthat he or she does not want to show braces and doesn’t want it to take very long. Some of these patients had braces years ago, did not continue to wear retain- ers and subsequently developed crowding of the anterior teeth. Most of these people have good to excellent posterior occlusions. Othersneverhadbracesbuthavecontinuedtoget crowding of teeth over the years. In the past, I would Fig. 6_MTM No•Trace series from closed to open. AD Fig. 6