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ortho - the international C.E. magazine of orthodontics

ortho1_2012 I 21 practice matters_ social media I practice. Just submit a video on our Facebook Fan pagetellinguswhyyou’dbethebest.Videosmustbe received before [insertdate]. 21) It’s Take Your Child to Work Day. Today Dr. [insert name]’s [insert son/daughter] is shadowing [inserthis/her][insertdad/mom] in our office. [Insert he/she] wants to be an orthodontist one day. What are you doing on Take Your Child to Work Day? 22)Wouldyouratherhaveperfect:teeth,eyesight or hair? According to Glamour Beauty, 44 percent say teeth.5 23) What’s the best joke you know? One that makes everyone smile. Post clean jokes only! 24) What are you smiling about this weekend? According to a recent study, folks with big smiles may actually live longer than those who don’t smile as big.6 25) Moms help with our homework. They cheer us on and fix our boo-boos. Moms can also be our chauffeurs,ourcooks,theonewhopicksupafterour messes and so much more! We want to recognize one mom with a $100 gift certificate to [insert name of local spa]. Tell us why your mom deserves this day of pampering by [insert date] to win (for your mom that is!). 26) We know our patients prefer different meth- ods to help them remember their appointment. For your convenience, we offer e-mail, SMS text and/or voice reminders (or all three). You can even manage your preferences through our website at [insert link topatientlogin]. 27) We recommend that a toothbrush be kept at least six feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particlesresultingfromtheflush.8 Wheredoyoukeep your toothbrush? 28) Did you know Dr. [insert name] is a member of the American Association of Orthodontics and a board-certified orthodontist? AAO member profes- sionals stay one step ahead of their peers by keeping informed of market trends. They learn how the latest products and technolo- giesbenefitthepatient.Byselectingaboard-certified orthodontist,youknowyou’rereceivingthemostup- to-date and best orthodontic care available. 29) We are putting together care packages for overseas military. We’ll be including toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste and more. If you’d like to include anything in our care packages, please let us know. 30) Today Dr. [insert name] and [insert his/her] spouse,[insertname],arecelebrating[insertnumber] yearsofmarriage.Congratulations!Anyoneelsecel- ebrating a birthday or anniversary this month? 31) “If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours.” ~ Proverb 32) Our office now offers a massaging chair, aro- matherapy and warm towels during your appoint- ment. What do you think of that? 33) Floss picks or traditional floss? 34) Today is National Junk Food Day! Don’t forget to brush and floss your teeth, and don’t forget to wash away the junk food stuck between your teeth. 35)Click“Like”ifyoubrushyourteethafterlunch! 36) In France, the Tooth Fairy is a mouse! 37) We’re having a website scavenger hunt. Go to our website at [insert website address] and find the answers to these four questions: A) [insert question] B) [insert question] C) [insert question] D) [insert question]. Send your answers to us at [insertemailaddress]and you could win a $25 gift card. 38) Are all braces the same? No way! Read why Dr. [insertname] chooses to use In-Ovation® System braces for you and your family [insert link to web page]. 39) We use environmentally friendly methods and materials wherever possible, while minimizing waste and energy. Our toothbrushes are even made ofrecycledyogurtcontainers!Whatdoyoudotostay environmentally friendly? 40)It’sHalloween,andwewanttobuyyourcandy! Our goal is to collect 300 pounds. We’ll be accept- ing candy all week long. $1 per pound of unopened Facebook has transcended the concept of ‘social media’ and has in reality become ‘business essential.’