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ortho - the international C.E. magazine of orthodontics

I editorial_ ortho ortho1_201202 I Thegoalofthisquarterlymagazineistwofold.First,itseekstosharepracticalorthodonticknowledge that can be put to use in your day-to-day practice. Second, it is a vehicle to help you chip away at your continuing education (C.E.) requirements. Theamountofnewinformationavailableintheorthodonticfieldaboutnewproducts,techniquesand research data is astounding. Running a practice and seeing patients leaves little time for catching up on the latest clinical news and product information. Thus, we hope ortho will not only be a welcome respite for those rare chunks of time you can devote to leisurely reading, but one that provides a practical return on your investment by providing information that you can actually put to immediate use. In addition, we know that taking time away from the practice to pursue C.E. credits is costly in terms of lost revenue and time. As a quarterly magazine, ortho is here to help you chisel at least four C.E. credits per year out of your already busy life without the lost revenue and time away from your prac- tice. To that end, every edition of ortho will include at least one hour of ADA CERP-certified C.E. credit where readers can answer questions about the materials at to earn this credit. Annual subscribers to the magazine ($50) need only register at the Dental Tribune Study Club website to accesstheseC.E.quizzesfreeofcharge.Infact,evennon-subscribersmaytaketheC.E.quizafterregister- ing on the DT Study Club website and paying a nominal fee. If you are a practitioner with a penchant for words, it might also interest you to know that authors of theC.E.-accreditedarticlesreceive15percentofthefeescollectedfromthenon-subscriberswhotakethe C.E. quiz online. The C.E. quiz for the articles in this edition will be available online on May 1. Dental Tribune America is part of the largest dental publishing network in the world, Dental Tribune International (DTI), which consists of 23 license partners around the globe. The DTI network publishes a varietyofdentalpublicationsthataredistributedinmorethan90countries.Pleasevisitusonlineatwww. to see the variety of publications we offer and at to see the complete list of online and offline C.E. opportunities available. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the first edition and welcome your feedback. Sincerely, Torsten Oemus Publisher Torsten Oemus Publisher Dental Tribune International Welcome to ortho