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implants UK - the journal of oral implantology

I 41 clinical _ sentimental tooth I implants1_2011 the UL1 to UR2. The UL1 abutment had completely failed; the bridge was then sectioned at the juncture between the UR2 and UR1 (Fig. 7). ThepatienthadlosttheUR1anumberofdecades ago. In his earlier years after losing his tooth he had a denture which he found extremely unpleas- ant. Thereafter he had fixed bridgework. When he presented before his initial consultation he was again wearing a denture which he found extremely distressing especially as his job involves meeting the public on regular basis. We can see from the ra- diographs that the UR2 (Fig. 8) and UL2 (Fig. 9) have been extensively treated and it is likely that in view Fig. 7_: Pre-op front retracted Fig. 8_: Pre-op PA of the UR2 Fig. 9_: Pre-op PA of the UL2 Fig. 10_: Defect of the UL1 and UL2 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10