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cone beam CE

cone beam1_2012 I case study_removable bridge to the 13 mm drill (maximum implant length). The CAMLOGGuideoffersasleevesystem.Asopposedto multi-sleevesystems,asinglesleeveinsertedintothe surgicaltemplateisadequateforguidanceduringall drilling sequences and implantation procedures. The implants can be inserted through the sleeves._ _References • Ewers R, Seemann R, Krennmair G, Schicho K, Kurdi A.O, Kirsch A, Reichwein A. Planning implants crowndown—Asystematicqualitycontrolforproof of concept. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 68:2868–2878, 2010. • Neugebauer J, Stachulla G, Ritter L, Dreiseidler T, Mischkowski A.R, Keeve, E, Zöller, J.E. Computer- aided manufactoring technologies for guided im- plant placement. Expert Rev. Med. Devices 7(1), 113–129 (2010). • Eggers G, Evan Gelos P, Mühlin G J. Accuracy of template-based dental implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2009;24:447–454. • Kirsch A, Nagel R, Neuendor Ff G, Fiderschek J, Ackermann K L. Implant placement and immediate final rehabilitation. EDI Journal 2009;3(5):53–71. • Dreiseidler, Neugebauer, Zöller et al. Accuracy of a newly developed integrated system for implant planning. Clin Oral Implants Res Nov 2009. • Ackermann KL, Kirsch A, Nagel R, Neuendorff G. Mit Backward Planning zielsicher therapieren. Teamwork 2008;4:466–484. • Kirsch A, Nagel R, Neuendorff G, Fidersche K J, Ackermann Kl. Backward Planning und dreidimen- sionale Diagnostik. Teamwork 2008;9:734ç754. Editorialnote:Thecasewasfirstpublishedin:Mai- roana C., Beretta M. Manual of Oral Implantology. Italia Press 2010. (Reprinted with kind permission of thepublisher). 14 I Sinus floor augmentation Fig. 3_The facial maxillary sinus wall is moved inwards and becomes the neurocranial floor of the maxillary sinus. On the left side, a vertical bone septum (visible on Fig. 1) requires two separate lateral approaches. Insertion of interim implants The planned minimally invasive flapless procedure for implant insertion requires a unique fixation for the preparation of radiological materials. The fixation is facilitated by temporary implants in a suitable position. In order to ensure accurate transferability, the fixation must be performed under radiological control in the identical position as the one of the implantation. Fig. 4_Filling of the right sinus cavity with blood and xenogenic bone substitute material. Coverage of the lateral window with a resorbable collagen membrane to avoid displacement of the bone substitute material. Fig. 5_Postoperative panoramic radiograph shows filling of both maxillary sinus cavities. Fig. 6_Panoramic radiograph with scan prosthesis for determining the fixation positions using the four interim implants. Implant placement Fig. 7_Two-part temporary implants fitted with ball abutments in positions 11 and 21. Posterior anchorages in positions 15 and 25. Fig. 8_The system-specific matrices are placed and secured in the scan template with plastic. Fig. 9_Fixed ball abutment matrices in scan template. The DVT image is taken immediately with the radiology template mounted. Fig. 3 Fig. 7 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 8 Fig. 9