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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition

17Implant TribuneJanuary 16-22, 2012United Kingdom Edition Vega Dental (CI) Ltd Robin Rock, Le Petit Val, Alderney GY9 3US 01481 824302 / 07781 440531 / LLLIIIVVVEEESSSHHH AAAAAA TTTTTTKKKIIINNNNNN FFF...III...RRR...SSS...TTT... TTTEEEEEECCCCCC HHH NNNIIIQQQQQQQQQQQQUUUUUUEEEEEE DDD EEENNNTTTIIISSSTTTSTSSSTSTSTSSSTS RRRYYYRYRRRYRYRYRRRYR SSSHHHOOOWWWOWOOOWOWOWOOOWO 222000111 222 Live TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive TheatreLive Theatre presented by Dr Todd E.Shatkin United States, President, International Academy of Mini Dental Implants Come and see us at the Dentistry Show and Scottish Dental Show Small Diameters...Small Diameters...Small Diameters...Small Diameters...Small Diameters...Small Diameters... Big Features.Big Features.Big Features.Big Features.Big Features.Big Features.Big Features.Big Features.Big Features. Visit our website or call us on 01481 824302 for further information on the range of Intra-Lock® products available direct from us Vega Dental (CI) Ltd is the only Authorised Distributor of Intra-Lock® Small Diameter Implants and the only Shatkin F.I.R.S.T.™ Laboratory in the UK and ROI Success factors for immediate implantation with immediate loading A case example by Dr Rouven Bönsel T he replacement of lost teeth with implants can be very time-con- suming for patients. During the temporisation phase, aes- thetic limitations often have to be accepted. The quickest and most patient-friendly op- tion is immediate implantation with immediate temporisation. However, in order not to pre- cipitate failure just as quickly, this form of treatment requires some experience and a work- ing knowledge of the success factors. Classical concepts that call for late implantation and load-free healing are increas- ingly being called into ques- tion. On the one hand, modern implant surfaces and designs now permit shorter healing times than were possible in the past. Usually, restoration is successful after just six to eight weeks.1 This also leads to shorter overall treatment times for implantations in are- as that are already fully healed or have been edentulous for some time. On the other hand, where possible and sensible, many experienced dentists and surgeons place implants in the fresh socket immediately after extraction. The major advan- tage of this approach for pa- tients is treatment that is not only uniquely timesaving, but also less traumatic and costly. Immediate temporisation also provides direct soft-tissue sup- port with a natural-looking temporary restoration. Aug- mentation is usually performed at the same time as immediate implantation. This applies both to immediate temporisation and to transgingival or closed healing. If the tissue deficit is small, minor controlled tissue regeneration is sufficient. This page 18DTà Fig 1 Following fracture of the crown of tooth #22 treated with a root post, only remnants of the root remained. The patient did not want the neighbouring teeth ground. Fig 2 The panoramic radiograph shows, in addition to other findings(see text), the remnants of root 22 with incomplete root filling and a generalised horizontal bone defect. The reference ball for implant planning can be seen at position 22. ‘Classical concepts that call for late implantation and load-free heal- ing are increasingly being called into question’