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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

_apical periodontitis; _apical resorption; _insufficientrootfillings;and _insufficient fillings. Owing to the functioning root canals, the risk of peri- apical lesions can be min- imised. An X-ray can show whether old root fillings need to be redone. Amalgam fill- ings and silver posts need to be removed because they will quickly re-stain the bleached tooth owing to leakage of silver ions. In case II, the front teeth hadbeensubjectedtotrauma (Fig. 3). Digital radiographic examination of tooth #11 in- dicated that internal bleach- ing could be carried out for this patient. Special attention was paid to the lingual entry of the cavity (Fig. 4). The lingual filling was removed with diamond drills. At the cemento-enamel junction, the entry to the root filling was carefully opened with a rose drill, while cleaning the incisal crown. Healthy and hard tooth substance should be preserved, even if discoloured, to avoid weakening the tooth unnecessarily. The root filling should be removed approximately 2 to 3 mm under the ce- mento-enameljunctionanditshouldbesealedwith athicklayerofglass-ionomercement(GIC).Itisbest touseadual-curingGIC,mixedbyhandandformed to a small ball, so it can be easily placed into the openedcanal.TheGICisplacedinanapicalposition to the clinical crown. The required depth of the in- ternalentrycanbemeasuredanddeterminedusing a PA probe (Fig. 5) in the cavity and at the vestibu- lar tooth surface. _In-office bleaching Pola Office+ is the advanced version of the well- known in-office tooth-whitening system, Pola Office, which has been used successfully for several years. Both whitening products contain desensitising agents, such as potassium nitrate, to reduce post- operative sensitivities in vital teeth. The dual-barrel syringe system of Pola Office+ (Fig. 6) always de- livers a consistent mixture of freshly activated gel that can be easily applied with a fine applicator tip, even in hard-to-reach areas (Fig. 7). Excess gel is removed with a cotton pellet. A thin layer of gel should be applied on the vestibular surface of the tooth.ForcasesIandII,thegelwasleftonthetooth for eight minutes and then removed using a surgi- cal aspirator tip. There is no need to use a halogen lamp because the material is not heat activated. The application steps can be repeated up to three times, so that the material is on the tooth for amaximumoffourtimesfor8minutes(32minutes in total) in one session. The active ingredient of PolaOffice+is37.5%hydrogenperoxideandthegel rapidlyreleasesperoxideionsuponcontactwiththe tooth, enabling a shorter contact time compared with its competitors (Fig. 8). Both cases were treated in just one session. After the whitening treatment, calcium-hydroxide cement was left in the cavity for several days. The toothwasrestoredwithIcenano-hybridcomposite (SDI) after two weeks, using Bleach and A2 opaque shades. _Result With SDI’s new in-office system, Pola Office+, patients can have whiter and brighter teeth in less than one hour. The easy-to-handle, dual barrel and auto-mixing syringe system is economical and optimises the workflow of the practice. In addi- tion, the desensitising agents and neutral pH make PolaOffice+theidealtooth-whiteningmaterialfor vital and non-vital teeth. Tooth whitening using minimally invasive techniques is enjoyable for the clinician and allows the patients to smile with confidence._ Fig. 5_Checking the depth of the cavity with a PA probe. Fig. 6_Pola Office+. Fig. 7_Application of gel using an auto-mixing tip. Fig. 8_Post-treatment, case II. I 35 industry report _ tooth whitening I cosmeticdentistry 4_2011 Fig. 8 Fig. 6 SDI Limited 3–13 Brunsdon Street Bayswater,Victoria,3153 Australia cosmeticdentistry _contact Fig. 5 Fig. 7