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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

22 I I clinical technique _ SDR _Case II: SDR as base material for posterior ceramic inlay restoration Fig. 20_Pre-op view of the upper right maxil- lary sextant. Clinical and radiographic examination of the upper right first molar revealed a previously placed occluso-palatal amalgam restoration and interproximal decay on the mesial aspect of the tooth. Fig. 21_Pre-op view of the isolated upper right maxillarymolar.Thismagnifiedviewrevealedafrac- ture in the amalgam restoration (arrow) and exten- sive creep of the restoration margins. Fig. 22_Cavity outline after removal of the de- fective amalgam restoration and decay on the me- sial marginal ridge. A caries indicator (ULTRADENT) was utilised to identify the caries-affected tooth struc- ture. Fig. 23_Finalcavityprepa- ration after removal of caries left undercuts on axial wall preparations and an irregular pulpal floor plane. Fig. 24_After etching with phosphoric acid and applica- tion of XP BOND (Fig. 10) ac- cording to the manufacturer’s instructions, the SDR flowable base material (Fig. 11) was applied to the treated tooth structure. The objective was to block out undercuts on the ax- ial wall preparations and to level the pulpal floor plane. Af- terlight-curing,theidealcavity preparation was achieved us- ingamediumgritdiamondbur. Fig. 25_After making an impression with Aquasil Soft Putty and Aquasil Light Body the tooth was tempo- risedwithIntegrity(allDENTSPLY).Aporcelaininlay fabricated in the laboratory from IPS e-max Press (Ivoclar Vivadent) was etched with 9.5 % hydro- fluoric acid (ULTRADENT Porcelain Etch) for 20 sec- onds, rinsed with water and air-dried. Silane cou- plingagent(Calibra,DENTSPLY)wasappliedandleft to dry for one minute before the treated porcelain surfacewascoatedwithathinlayerofPrime&Bond NTmixedwithSelf-CureActivator(bothDENTSPLY). Fig. 26_At the cementation appointment, the upper right sextant was isolated with a rubber dam and the temporary inlay removed. A single floss ligaturewasutilisedaroundtheupperfirstmolarto guarantee optimal isolation. The cavity preparation line angles were cleaned with OptiClean (Kerr) to ensure removal of any remnants of the temporary cosmeticdentistry 4_2011 Fig. 22 Fig. 20 Fig. 25Fig. 24 Fig. 21 Fig. 23