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implants - internationalmagazine of oral implantology

meetings _ DGZI I Hille. “The development potential of industries seems to be endless, and expectations and techni- cal desires of patients are unlimited. DGZI sees its roleasacompaniononthewaytofuture—butnev- erthelesswedonotlosesightoftechnologies’suit- ability for practical use.” _From theory to practice Fromtheverystartofthecongressagreatrange of workshops and hands-on courses were offered for practical excercises. The participants could be- come familiar in detail with the current develop- ments concerning implants, bone substitutes and membranes, as well as with diagnosis, navigation and CAD/CAM technologies. Especially during this IDS year, the abundance of new products and technologies meant that muchmoreinformationwasrequired.Collegialin- terchanges coupled with some helpful tips were of very special importance. Thanks to the many exhibitors who enabled di- rect contact to industries, participants had access to products and their practical applications. In addition to the programme for dentists there was an accompanying programme for technical implantology assistance staff. At the top of their agenda were e.g. tooth decay and periodontitis prophylaxis,communicationwithpatientsandhy- giene in the dental practice. The 42nd Annual Congress of the DGZI will be held in Hamburg, Germany, from October 5 until October 6, 2012. _ I 43implants4_2011