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Hygiene Tribune U.S. Edition

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Edition Publisher & Chairman Torsten Oemus Chief Operating Officer Eric Seid Group Editor & Designer Robin Goodman Managing Editor/Designer Implant, Endo & Lab Tribunes Sierra Rendon Managing Editor/Designer Ortho Tribune & Show Dailies Kristine Colker Online Editor Fred Michmershuizen f.michmershuizen@dental-tribune. com Account Manager Mark Eisen Marketing Manager Anna Wlodarczyk Sales & Marketing Assistant Lorrie Young C.E. Manager Julia E. Wehkamp C.E. International Sales Manager Christiane Ferret Dental Tribune America, LLC 116 West 23rd Street, Suite 500 New York, NY 10011 Tel.: (212) 244-7181 Fax: (212) 244-7185 Published by Dental Tribune America © 2011 Dental Tribune America, LLC All rights reserved. Hygiene Tribune strives to maintain utmost accuracy in its news and clinical reports. If you find a factual error or content that requires clarification, please contact Group Editor Robin Goodman at Hygiene Tribune cannot assume responsibility for the validity of product claims or for typographical errors. The publisher also does not assume responsibility for product names or statements made by advertisers. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and may not reflect those of Dental Tribune America. Mrs. Globe showcases smiles with the ‘Power to Change the World’ Industry News HYGIENE TRIBUNE | September 20112B Opalescence was a proud spon- sor of the 2011 Mrs. Globe Pageant on Aug. 27, 2011 in Rancho Mirage, California where over 40 delegates from around the world joined in competition for the Mrs. Globe title. While Mrs. Russia, Alisa Krylo- va, received the winning crown at the close of the event, every del- egate proudly displayed their beau- tiful Opalescence whitened smile throughout the evening. Founded in 1996, Mrs. Globe is the largest international pageant for “Misses” in the world celebrat- ing beauty and cultural differences. The organization’s motto: “where the power of beauty changes the world” exemplifies the desire to cel- ebrate family, culture and beauty. Opalescence became a sponsor of the event because of its shared goal and endorsement of the event’s WIN Foundation, a non-profit outreach that specializes in abuse and self- esteem recovery. For more information on Opales- cence teeth whitening, please con- tact Opalescence at (800) 552-5512 or visit Visit to pre- view the Opalescence-whitened f HT page 1B formation, leading to increased bone mineral density.2–4 Teripara- tide was approved by the FDA on November 26, 2002, for the treat- ment of osteoporosis in men and post-menopausal women who are at high risk for fractures. The drug is also approved to increase bone mass in men with primary or hypo- gonadal osteoporosis who are at high risk for fractures. It is the first, and to date only, FDA-approved agent for the treatment of osteo- porosis that stimulates new bone formation.5 When I heard about Forteo I was interested to see if any studies had been done on the regeneration of alveolar bone. Could you imagine: A drug that could regenerate bone in the jaw could potentially cure periodontal disease? How exciting for dentistry! It turns out there is only one study, conducted at the Universi- ty of Michigan, “Teriparatide and Osseous Regeneration in the Oral Cavity.”1 The study had 40 par- ticipants with severe, chronic peri- odontitis who had undergone peri- odontal surgery and received daily injections of teriparatide or place- bo, with oral calcium and vitamin D supplementation for six weeks. The patients were followed for one year. Primary outcome was radio- graphic linear measurement of alveolar bone level. The mean lin- ear gain in bone at one year in the teriparatide patients was 29 percent versus 3 percent in the placebo patients. Reduction of periodontal probing depth was 33 percent ver- sus 20 percent and a gain in clinical attachment level of 22 percent ver- sus 7 percent. Teriparatide, as com- pared with placebo, was associated with improved clinical outcomes, greater resolution of alveolar bone defects and accelerated osseous wound healing in the oral cavity. No adverse reactions were experienced in this study, but the sample population was very small. Teriparatide was shown in animal studies to increase the risk of osteo- sarcoma. This is the biggest risk of taking Forteo, and it is a pretty serious one. Patients with a his- tory of Paget’s Disease of bone or unexplained elevations of serum alkaline phosphate, open epiphysis or prior radiation therapy involving the skeleton should not take For- teo. Patients taking Forteo should not smoke or drink alcohol, and the most commonly reported side effects are nausea, leg cramps and dizziness. Forteo is definitely a promising method for treating periodontal dis- ease, but the risk of bone cancer is definitely something patients and practitioners need to consider. We must remember as clinicians that our traditional methods have had success and should be utilized first, and Forteo can be used in the cases that do not respond to scaling and root planing or periodontal surgery. Forteo certainly will change how we view periodontal cases, but at this time it is a risky treatment and has not been studied enough with periodontal patients to say for sure that it will eradicate periodontal disease. The introduction of this drug and the potential for new modalities of treatment do offer some promise for our patients, but we need more information. More studies need to be done and more information gathered before we can decide if Forteo is an appro- priate treatment for resistant peri- odontal cases. Hopefully, we will be hearing more about this drug and how it relates to dentistry in the future. In the meantime, we will contin- ue to provide our periodontal patients the best care we can using our traditional methods. The future is bright for dentistry! HT References 1. Jill D. Bashutski, DDS, Robert M. Eber, DDS, Janet S. Kinney, MS, Erika Benavides, DDS, PhD, Samopriyo Maitra, MS, Thom- as M. Braun, PhD, Giannobile, DDS, DMedSc, and Laurie K. McCauley, DDS, PhD. “Teripa- ratide and Osseous Regeneration in the Oral Cavity.” The New England Journal of Medicine 2010;363:2396–2405 December 16, 2010. 2. Bauer, E, Aub JC, Albright F. Studies of calcium and phos- phorous metabolism: V. Study of the bone trabeculae as a readily available reserve supply of calci- um. J Exp Med. 1929, 49:145–162. 3. Selye H. On the stimulation of new bone formation with parathyroid extract and irradiated ergosterol. Endicrinology. 1932;16:547–558. 4. Dempster, D.W., Cosman, F., Parisien, M., Shen, V., and R. Lind- say. “Anabolic Actions of Parathy- roid Hormone on Bone.” (1993). Endocrine Review;14(6):690–709. 5. Forteo: teriparatide (rDNA ori- gin) injection. Jeanne R. Bosecker, BSN, RDH, is a private-practice dental hygienist living in the Chicago suburbs. After graduating from nursing school, she found her true passion in dentistry after working as a dental assistant for several years. Since gradu- ating with her dental hygiene degree, she has worked for three small general dentistry prac- tices. You may contact her at, About the author Mrs. Russia, Alisa Krylova, crowned as Mrs. Globe (Photo/Provided by Win Foundation International) smiles from the 2011 Mrs. Globe final event. HT