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FDI Worldental Daily, 15 September ANNUAL WORLD DENTAL CONGRESS NEWSPAPERYOUR FDI WDD #2, September 15, 2011 3414SP_2011_FDI VITA VM es el sistema de recubrimiento para una creatividad sin límites, para todas las indicaciones imaginables. Descubra las posibilidades infinitas del sistema VITA VM. Consiga resultados cromáticos exactos, incluso en condiciones de espacio muy limi- tadas, una dinámica lumínica natural y tonalidades cromáticas más cálidas, * Busque su regalo VITA en nuestro Stand presentando este anun- cio, además tendrá con el mismo un 20% de descuento** en la compra de las cerámicas, el Easyshade Advance y dientes VITA. **LospagosefectuadosconTarjetadecrédito,estansujetosacondiciones especiales. Visítenos en nuestro Stand VITA, número 624 o en nuestra representación CLV, Stand número 429 20% descuento* VITAVM®: el arte de la perfección. El sistema de recubrimiento para una creatividad sin límites. 3414SP_2011_FDI 210x297 1 07.07.11 15:38 22 Temporomandibular joint screening prior to orthodontic rehabilitation is indispensable for preventive, therapeutic, and forensic rea- sons. Daily practice calls for a simple and effective conceptinordertotreatTMDpatients,andto avoid iatrogenic mishaps during orthodontic therapy. Furthermore, planning and progno- sis may be improved in many cases. Most diagnostic methods, from expensive axiographic and electromyographic measu- rement, through to sophisticated imaging techniques (MRI, ct) entail considerable costs in terms of time and expense. As these techniques mostly focus on the examination of special parts and structures, they cannot be considered as universal standard exami- nation methods. The Manual Functional Analysis according to the Kiel concept (Bumann et al. 1989) provi- ded the first substantial progress towards a practice-oriented concept (Fig. 1) On this basis, the AquaSplint concept was developed. In compact form the established techniques of the Kiel concept are utilized for tissue-specific diagnostics. Subsequently, TMD etiology and differential diagnosis are determined using the AquaSplint. This significantly affects therapy decisions and treatment planning. The previous hypothesis implying that tempo- romandibular joint disorders / TMD originate fromthestomatognathicareaisonlypartially correct. Opinions in the current literature wi- dely differ on this topic. We believe that ma- locclusion may be among the causes of cer- DentalTribune-sponsoredlectureinBrazil. T wo renowned specialists advocate in this article the use of a new device for temporomandibular disorders, which in their experience, simplifies the diagnosis and treatment process. Novelprocedurefordiagnosisand effectivetherapyoftheTMJ/TMD | By Aladin Sabbagh and Derek Mahony LaferulaoralautoajustableAquaSplint. Theself-adjustingSplintAqua. Figura 1. Análisis Funcional Manual, según el conceptodeKiel. Figure 1. Manual functional analysis, accor- dingtotheconceptofKiel. Figura2y2a.Hiperactividadarticularcombina- dacondebilidadgeneraldeltejidoconjuntivo. Figures2and2a.Articularhyperactivitycombi- ned with general weakness of the connective tissue. Figura 2b. El gráfico indica que la asociación entre maloclusión y tejido conectivo es muy menor. Figure 2b. The figure indicates that the asso- ciation between malocclusion and connective tissueismuchsmaller. Figura 3. La férula puede utilizarse incluso du- ranteeltratamientoortodóncico. Figure 3. The splint can be used even during orthodontictreatment. * Dr. Sabbagh, a German or- thodontist and oral surgeon, has developed techniques as «Bite Jumping» to correct the bite wi- thout surgery in adults, as well as devices like the Sabbagh Uni- versal Spring or Aqua Splint. ** Dr. Mahoney is a senior Aus- tralian orthodontist and inter- nationally-recognized lecturer. Contact him at www.derekma-