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FDI Worldental Daily, 15 September

VISIT OUR BOOTHS AT THE 2011 FDI WORLD DENTAL CONGRESSIN MEXICO CITY, BOOTHS 828-830-832-927-929 A DIVISION OF CORIX MEDICAL SYSTEMS¨ Lauro Villar No. 94-B, 02440 México, D.F., México. Tel. +52-55-5394-1199 Fax:+52-55-53948120 EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THE U.S.A.: Chicago X-Ray Systems, INC. Tel.: (847) 459-3889, (800) 870-2792 Fax: (847) 459-9214 CORIX MEDICAL SYSTEMS¨ Technology and reliability in x-ray equipments, since 1974. Manufactured in North America LaVozdela Odontología L aFederaciónDentalInternacional (FDI)eselprincipalorganismore- presentativo de más de un millón dedentistasentodoelmundo,dedicado adesarrollarpolíticasdesaludyprogra- mas de educación continua, por lo que eslavozunificadadelaodontología. FDItrabajaanivelnacionaleinternacionalatravésde sus propiasactividadesylasdenuestrosmiembros. Apoyamosalasactividadesdepromocióndelasalud oraldelasasociacionesmiembrosentodoelmundo. Hemosdesarrolladoduranteañosprogramas,inicia- tivas, campañas, políticas y congresos, siempre a la vanguardiaenelcampodelaodontología. LaFDIesunaONGenrelacionesoficialesconlaOrga- nizaciónMundialdelaSalud(OMS)ymiembrodela AlianzaMundialdelaSaludProfesionales(AMPS). Nuestraprincipalestrategiaes,conelapoyodetodos nuestrosmiembrosasociados,serlaVozdeOdonto- logía,liderartodoslosesfuerzospormejorarlasalud bucodentalentodoelmundo TheVoiceof Dentistry F DI World Dental Federation is the principal representative body for more than one million dentists worldwide, developing health policy and continuing education programs, and speaking as the unified voice of dentist- ry. FDI works at the national and international levels through its activities and those of our national mem- bers.Wesupportmemberassociationsinoralhealth promotion activities worldwide. Over the years, we have developed programs, initiatives, campaigns, policies and congresses, always leading the way in thedentalfield. FDI is an NGO in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a member of the WorldHealthProfessionalsAlliance(WHPA). Ourmainstrategyis,withthesupportofallofouras- sociatemembers,tobetheVoiceofDentistry,leading alleffortstoimproveoralhealthworldwide. Dr. Dan Meyer, American Dental Association’s VP for Science/Professional Affairs, at the FDI plenary meeting. El Dr. Dan Meyer, director científico de la Asociación Dental Americana, durante su alo- cución ante los delegados de FDI. ANNUAL WORLD DENTAL CONGRESS NEWSPAPER Issue #2, September 15, 2011YOUR FDI Worldental Daily 1 SPAIN