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FDI Worldental Daily, 14 Sept ANNUAL WORLD DENTAL CONGRESS NEWSPAPER FDI WDD #1, September 14, 2011YOUR Unlessaddressed,theburdenofthesediseases will continue to increase. WHO projects that globally NCD deaths will increase by 17% over the next 10 years. This document sets out the facts about NCDs, and sets out the course of action that WHPA believes should be taken to tacklethem. Causesoftheepidemic NCDs–cardiovasculardisease,cancers,chronic respiratorydiseases,diabetesandoraldiseases – account for 60% of global deaths, killing 35 millionpeopleeachyear.Eightypercentofthese deaths occur in low and middle income coun- tries.Oraldiseases,includingdentalcaries,peri- odontal disease and oral cancer, are neglected butimportantNCDswithasignificantburdenon overallhealth. Thefourmainriskfactorsare: • tobaccouse • unhealthydiet • physicalinactivity • harmfuluseofalcohol. NCDscanbepreventedormitigatedby: • reducingtensionandstress • improvingdietandreducingsodiumin- take • regularsufficientphysicalactivity • avoidingobesity • supportingoptimalmentalhealth • emphasizing preventive care and screeningforpreventableillness • avoiding tobacco and harmful alcohol consumption Thereisanassociationbetweenthepresenceof oral infections (especially periodontal disease) andsystemicdiseases,includingcardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, adverse preg- nancy outcomes, diabetes mellitus, pulmonary infections,anddifferentformsofcancer. Aneedforaction Health, social and economic policies need to be analysed and aligned at a national level to ensurethebestpossiblehealthoutcomes.Aho- listichealthsystembuiltonaprimaryhealthcare model and including prevention, rehabilitation andspecialisedhealthservicesisvitaliftheNCD epidemicistobetackled.Reducinginequitable accesstosafe,qualityandaffordablemedicines and health services is equally important as part ofacomprehensivenationalNCDstrategy. Healthprofessionalshaveanethicalandprofes- sionalresponsibilitytoactinthebestinterestsof patients at all times. From a public health per- spective,theyalsoplayasignificantroleinreduc- ing the global NCD burden through appropriate actionsinhealthpromotion,diseaseprevention, treatment and rehabilitation, and advocating for research and finance. They have four main meansoftakingaction: • takingactionwithinthehealthcaresys- tem • advocating for action in other sectors thatdeterminethelevelofdiseaseburden • contributingtoknowledgeofbestscien- tificevidence • monitoring what works to change the courseoftheepidemic • assuring the provision of services in keeping with a health promotion, life-style changemodel. Theglobalcrisisinhumanresourcesforhealthis asignificantbarriertoreducingtheNCDburden inmanycountries.Collaborativepracticeamong healthcare professionals and delivery of coor- dinated multi- disciplinary care, can maximise resources.Thismakespreventionandtreatment ofNCDscost-effective. The World Health Professions Alliance WHPA is the world’s largest and most powerful body for healthprofessionals.Throughitsfiveconstituent professionalbodiesitrepresentsmorethan600 nationalmemberorganisations,speakingfor26 million health professionals in more than 130 countries. The members are: the International Council of Nurses; the International Pharmaceutical Fed- eration; the World Confederation for Physical Therapy; the World Dental Federation; and the WorldMedicalAssociation. 26 T he global epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is of major concern to the World Health Professions Allian- ce (WHPA), because it represents a significant threat to human health and development WHPAStatementon Non-CommunicableDiseases Page 29 FDI President-elect Orlando Monteiro da Silva said FDI is commited to encourage over 1 mi- llion dentists worldwide to use the WHPA Tool- kit and Health Improvement Card in their daily practice. El presidente electo de FDI, Orlando Monteiro da Silva, dijo que la federación se ha compro- metido a que más de 1 millón de dentistas utilice las nuevas herramientas contra las en- fermedadesnotransmisibles.