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Wordental Daily Mexico City ANNUAL WORLD DENTAL CONGRESS NEWSPAPER Advance Issue, September 2011YOUR Chile ha ido incluso más allá. Gracias en parte a unasubidadeimpuestos,reducirásudéficitfiscal a 1,8% de su PIB este año según su ministro de Economía, a pesar del gasto extra provocado por elterremotodelañopasado.Brasilporsuparteha reducidosudéficitesteañoyestácreciendodetal formaqueplaneagrandesaumentosdepensiones ysalariosdelsectorpúblicoelpróximoaño. LosdatoseconómicosdeAméricaLatinasonuna buena noticia para la industria dental y para los másde350,000profesionalesdelaodontología. Los dentistas latinoamericanos están experi- mentandounagrandemandadesusservicios,que abarcandesdecitasregularesacomplejosycaros procedimientos estéticos. Esta situación, aunada conunamayorcoberturadental,hatraídounagran bonanzaparamuchosprofesionales. Unodelossignosmásvisiblesdeestenuevoclima económicoeselcrecientenúmerodecongresosy exposicionesdentalesentodalaregión. Mientrasquehacealgunosañoscongresoscomo CIOSPenSãoPaulo(Brasil)eranelreferenteexclu- sivodelaindustriadentalenAméricaLatina,ahora muchos países tienen sus propias exposiciones internacionales,alasqueasistenreconocidoscon- ferencistasdeAméricayEuropa. EnunarecientereuniónenBogotá(Colombia)es- tuvopresentetodalaplanamayordelCongresoIn- ternacionaldeImplantologíaOral(ICOI),incluyendo supresidente,KennethJudyysudirectorejecutivo, CraigJohnson.(Consultelacoberturadeleventoen lasecció combusquelaedicióndigitaldelaediciónDental TribuneLatinAmericabajoe-paper.) ICOIpatrocinaráuncongresodel3al5denoviem- breenlaUNAM,lamayorymásprestigiosauniver- sidaddeAméricaLatina,locualdaunaideadesu interésenlaregión. El Programa Avanzado de Estética en la próxima reunión de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina (AOA), que tendrá lugar del 31 de octubre al 5 de noviembreenBuenosAires,tendrácomoponentes aSashaJovanovich,NewtonFahl,StephenCheno GalipGürel,entreotros.ElnuevopresidentedeFDI, asícomotodoslospresidentesdelasasociaciones dentalesnacionalesdeAméricaLatinasostendrán allí una reunión paralela para discutir políticas de saludpúblicas. Siestáinteresadoenexpandirsusnegocios,Améri- caLatinaesahoraelmercadoenelqueinvertir. 2 About the Publisher FDI Worldental Daily is published by the FDI World Dental Federation in partnership with Dental Tribune International GmbH (DTI). FDI World Dental Federation 13 Chemin du Levant, l’Avant Centre F-01210 Ferney-Voltaire, FRANCE Phone: +33 4 50 40 50 50 Fax: +33 4 50 40 55 55 E-mail: Web: Dental Tribune International GmbH Holbeinstraße 29 04229 Leipzig, Germany Phone: +49 341 484 74 302 Fax: +49 341 484 74 173 E-mail: Web: FDICommunicationsManager:ChristopherSimpson Managing Editor: Javier Martínez de Pisón Product Manager: Bernhard Moldenhauer Advertising and Sales: Jan Agostaro Designer: Javier Moreno FDI Worldental Daily Advance Issue appears in ad- vance of the FDI Annual World Dental Congress in Mexico City, 14-17 September 2011. The newspaper and all articles and illustrations therein are protected by copyright. Any utilisation without prior consent from the editor or publisher is inadmissible and liable to prosecution. The FDI or DTI will not be liable for any damages of any kind or loss of profits that might arise from information found in this publication, re- gardless of whether the FDI or DTI has been advised of the possibility of such damages. While all attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the pro- vided information, neither FDI nor DTI can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Unbenannt-4 1 15.12.2010 18:05:05 Uhr The economic data on Latin America is indeed good news for the dental industry and for over 350,000dentalprofessionals,manyofwhohave enjoyed an unprecedented interest in their ser- vicesfrompatients. From regular appointments to complex and expensive esthetic procedures, Latin American dentists are experimenting a large demand for theirservices.Coupledwithanexpandingdental coverage,thesituationhasbroughtabonanzafor manyprofessionals. Oneofthemostvisiblesignsofthisnew,richeco- nomicclimateistheincreasingnumberofdental congresses and exhibitions now taking place throughouttheregion. While a few years ago shows like the massive CIOSPinSãoPaulo,Brazilruledthedentalbusi- ness in Latin America, now many countries have their own international expos, attended by top AmericanandEuropeanspeakers. At a recent meeting in Bogota, Colombia all the majorplayersoftheinfluentialInternationalCon- gressofOralImplantologists(ICOI)wereinatten- dance, including its chairman Kenneth Judy and executive director Craig Johnson. (See coverage orchoosetheSpanish-languagee-paperedition ofDentalTribuneLatinAmerica.) ICOI will sponsor a Mexico City, November 3 - 5, 2011 meeting at UNAM, the largest and most pretigious university in Latin America, a sign of ICOI’sinterestintheregion. Just the Esthetics Program at the upcoming No- vembermeetingoftheArgentineanDentalAsso- ciation(AOA)inBuenosAireswillhaveasspeak- ers Sasha Jovanovich, Newton Fahl, Stephen Chen or Galip Gürel, among many others. The newFDIpresidentaswellasallpresidentsofLatin Americannationaldentalassociationswillhavea paralelmeetingthereondentalpublicpolicies. If you are interested in growing your business, LatinAmericaiswheretoinvestnow. El creciente mercado dentalenAméricaLatina Expanding Dental Markets in Latin America Página 1 Page 1 Published by FDI & Dental Tribune International