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Dental Tribune United Kindom Edition

July 18-24, 201118 Endo Tribune United Kingdom Edition For more information> savE cEllsNEw Ems swiss iNstrumENts surgErY – saviNg tissuE with NEw iNNovatioNs iN implaNt dENtistrY The inventor of the Original Piezon Method has won another battle against the destruction of tissue when dental implants are performed. The magic word is dual cooling – instrument cooling from the inside and outside together with simultane- ous debris evacuation and efficient surgical preparations in the maxilla. cooliNg hEals A unique spiral design and internal irrigation prevent the instrument’s temperature from rising during the surgical procedure. These features combine effectively to promote excel- lent regeneration of the bone tissue. EMS Swiss Instruments Surgery MB4, MB5 and MB6 are diamond- coated cylindrical instruments for secondary surgical preparation (MB4, MB5) and final osteotomy (MB6). A spiral design combined with innovative dual cooling makes these instruments unique in implant dentistry. coNtrol savEs Effective instrument control fosters atraumatic implant preparation and minimizes any potential damage to the bone tissue. prEcisioN rEassurEs Selective cutting represents virtually no risk of damage to soft tissue (membranes, nerves, blood vessels, etc.). An optimum view of the operative site and minimal bleeding thanks to cavitation (hemostatic effect!) further enhance efficacy. The new EMS Swiss Instruments Surgery stand for unequaled Swiss precision and innovation for the benefit of dental practitioners and patients alike – the very philosophy embraced by EMS. > EMS Swiss Instrument Surgery MB6 with unique spiral design and internal instrument irrigation for ultralow temperature at the operative site A s clinicians, radiography provides us with a wonder- ful tool to “see through” ex- ternal oral structures, giving us an insight into what’s happening be- neath the skin, muscle and bones. Ionising radiation is transmitted through the structures. Dense ma- terials absorb more radiation re- sulting in an image produced on a film or digital receptor. The image is then interpreted and in conjunc- tion with a thorough history and extensive oral examination aids in the diagnosis, treatment or preven- tion of disease. The decision mak- ing process of when and how often to take radiographs is a challeng- ing one. The periapical radiograph has been the gold standard for as- sessing the presence of endodontic pathology for years. A periapical radiograph should be taken when; 1There is a history of pain with a tooth 2Caries, cracks or a deep resto- ration are present 3There is a negative response to sensitivity tests Teeth with extensive restorations and/or that are compromised peri- odontally. It is well understood that peri- apical radiographs underestimate the presence of apical pathology. On studies from cadavers, periapi- cal lesions were simulated in the bone and were gradually increased in size until they became apparent on radiographs. It was found that until the lesion was in contact or perforated the cortical bone the le- sion was not detected radiographi- cally. With the advent of small volume cone-beam CT we now have a tool which is much more accurate at correctly diagnosing apical pathology. A recent study (1) suggests that periapical radio- graphs can detect the presence of apical periodontitis 55per cent of the time while a DPT detects the disease 28per cent of the time. This explains a common clinical finding of obvious pathology associated with a tooth following clinical ex- amination (for example a tooth is tender to percussion and has nega- tive sensitivity responses) however the radiograph appears to be with- in normal limits. Do periapical radiographs tell the whole tale: a case report Daniel Flynn discusses the limitations in radiography ‘The periapical ra- diograph has been the gold standard for assessing the presence of endo- dontic pathology for years’